US Elections (& Politics) :)


Getting comfortable
Dec 12, 2020
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The problem is that people have allowed themselves to be taken over throughout the years by these companies. We have bought their computers, phones, software and programs, and participated in their little media platforms. People post pictures and share every detail of their lives with the whole world. The fact is we have allowed ourselves to be located in a state of mind where we think we need them.
We’ve seen over the years that every time a liberal sees something they don’t like, they call for a boycott. Maybe it’s time to take a page out of their playbook, but instead of just a threat of a boycott, we follow through with it. I don’t care what anyone says, 74-75 million boycotts will hurt the pockets of these jackasses. Yes, I know someone will claim that the 80 million liberals will just pour money into these companies to help absorb that impact. However, how many of those 80 million are truly in a financial position, or alive for that matter, to help absorb that type of financial hit?
I can gladly say that I am not a participant with Fecalbook, Twatter, or any other big tech social platform. However, I unfortunately am in possession of said computers and phones. I will be looking at different avenues so I am not contributing money to these pricks. I may not be able to win every battle, but by George, I’m going to do the best I can.


Getting comfortable
Dec 12, 2020
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Rod Serling must have had some type of crystal ball when he made The Twilight Zone. In particular, two episodes stand out in my mind.

Eye of the Beholder - a woman has to undergo mandatory surgery to alter her appearance. An appearance of normal that has been dictated by the State.

The Obsolete Man - a man has been determined to be obsolete and of no useful purpose to the State. He is then sentenced to be liquidated because he stands for everything the State despises; a man who can think for himself and desires to live in freedom.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Have heard from a few friends that their accounts have been suddenly suspended on a Twatter and Farcebook. (I don’t have an account on either)

Hate to say it but advise it might be a good idea to be careful what you post there, or anywhere for that matter.

The First amendment is dead.
Last edited:
Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
I have neither....or all of the above. I don't have facebook, twitter, or parler. Nope, nope and nope. I almost got a Facebook account once, then I was asked on an interview, 'Why don't you have a facebook account? Are you hiding something?' The rest of that interview did not go well...

As I said your back. Back includes 'digital' as well now...ESPECIALLY now.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
I suspect that Parler is simply overloaded with current users and new users trying to load the app at the last minute. I'd say wait until morning before deciding it's down. I can get on with a web browser on the laptop, slow but working, and that's an indication of overloaded servers. The phone app comes up but the page won't load or is so slow I don't wait for it since the PC is working.

We've recently witnessed the death of the Constitution with the election and now we are watching the results. The First Amendment is the next to go, besides losing free speech watch what happens to religious freedom,. The Second Amendment will be next without a doubt. Buckle up and be ready for massive inflation as they pass new give-away programs and print the money to fund them as well as tax everything in sight. I have little hope for what passes as Republicans in either the House or Senate getting any support from Marxocrat "moderates" to stop any of it.

A sad time for our Nation, may she rest in peace.