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  • Hi mat200, Can you see my introduction message? Your known around here…any help with-I probably could not message my need of ipc info without talking to someone. ‍♂
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    Reactions: bp2008
    THanks.. good price hikvision oem shipped from Hong Kong iirc .. personally sensor is smaller than I like and I've got plenty of cameras with small sensors already

    I think this should work with some of the LaView hivision oem kits which were popular .. check nvr specs if you are adding this to a hikvision nvr .. want one that supports the resolution

    btw - I think the body is plastic .. should work well enough for the life time of this camera ..
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    Reactions: bp2008
    Hey! I just saw your posts on Slickdeals concerning the Paxvigo cams. Hah, though I went in for 2 of them, there was no way I was going to post on that cam here. The last time I posted (quite a while back) on a non name brand cam, I was sort of lambasted enough to not want to again. :p I'm hoping that they are decent at least as they'll fill a "need" I've had for a single wide angle cam in a couple of spots...
    hey @mat200
    What cameras do you run yourself? What would you recommend for lessor important areas of the house like the backyard/side alley. Though they are dark as well but not so concerned. Do you have any economical models you can recommend?
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    Reactions: Arjun
    We can add that. Can you write up some info on it?
    You mean like....

    Edgerouter-X Setup Tutorial for creating isolated camera and IOT networks. Protect your main network from your camera network and prevent cameras from phoning home. Tutorial also includes setting up a VPN for safer outside access into your home network.
    Hi Mat, I have been posting on here and others have responded but I still have not figured out a working answer. I want to set up a secure camera system with openvpn at a remote site that only has internet available via a hotspot. Actually Att is the only one that has good coverage there too. I have tried a MR1100 Nighthawk hooked to a Asus Rt-N66u router to the dvr. But was never able to get pass the openvpn set up apparently because aat is not providing a public IP. I only get IPv4 from them as well. I am not set on this arraingement, one guy suggest a ras-pi system but I am not sure that will be any better. There must be a way to set up a camera system at a site with only cell data with some sort of hardware combo. If you have any ideas on this I will appreciate hearing them, Thanks.
    Hi Matt, Thank you for putting in all this time to help new members. I have been reading for months and went ahead and bought a few things but it all ended up not working out because after reading for months I thought I understood what I needed. I'm in Australia and getting some of the things people recommend on the forum is impossible. Can I please ask you a few questions?.
    From Andy's profile: Signature
    "Guys can contact me via email for orders and support."
    Hello Matt , I was trying to get contact for Andy( lots of Any's on forum ) , I had read your post recommending him for Dahua nvr 8 channel kits purchase. Thanks

    Unfortunately my IPC-HFW5231E-Z5 is far from happy, full of condensation despite me taking it apart and using silica gel inside. I am considering alternatives, perhaps a newer model that has same night vision and range has come out recently ?. Thank you for your time.
    @mat200 I see you've been active today, did you see my profile post? (below) TY/BR -j.
    Damn profile posts only give me 420chars. Not sure why I'm not bloody allowed to start a conversation with you! Anyway if you can spare the time, please engage in the thread I linked.

    Thanks again & BR/GN.
    Hey Matt

    Try to talk with you on conversation, but failed, try to contact me there. I am inviting you to make a testing for a new model.
    Hi @mat200 , you have Dahua cams on a Lorex NVR correct? Did you have any trouble with setup? I got 2 of the Dahua starlights from Andy and the Lorex NVR kit but I am getting the following error "conf.LoginErrorNo-18".
    Farmer D
    I successfully set up 2 starlights with Lorex NVR. Seemed pretty easy and intuitive. How are you adding yours?
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