Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard


Getting comfortable
Feb 5, 2017
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I do need to fix it so it doesn’t nuke the app in cases like this. I will probably put out a minor release with no new features but fixes like that relatively soon. However I do want to slow down releases a bit
So I updated BI to and OnGuard to 1.71, disabled the "confirm" and "flag" boxes for all areas and the application seems to be stable again. However, the reference points for all of my AOIs are still moving.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 6, 2015
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The sole job (right now) of the SQL stuff is to track the pictures with motion in them (well, actually recognized objects). So, if you use the "Motion Only" button and you can move to pictures with motion in them it works. In addition, SQL errors are logged in the log file. Please change the connection string only if you really need to (things don't work without it).
Hmmm, OK ... I do get SQL errors:

MainWindow - SQLException - GetNextMotion - Opening Connection: Netzwerkbezogener oder instanzspezifischer Fehler beim Herstellen einer Verbindung mit SQL Server. Der Server wurde nicht gefunden, oder auf ihn kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob der Instanzname richtig ist und ob SQL Server Remoteverbindungen zulässt. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 52 - Es konnte keine Installation der Local Database Runtime gefunden werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob SQL Server Express richtig installiert und die Funktion Local Database Runtime aktiviert ist.)
I'm pretty familiar with MySQL and Postgresql on Linux, but I have no clue about this M$ stuff. Is there some docs where I can look at to see what needs to be entered here?

EDIT: OK, got it ... for all in case they have the same issue: I needed to use the advanced SQL Express installation and tick the "Local DB" package to be installed!
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Getting the hang of it
Sep 6, 2015
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You can move all 4 edges and all corners when defining an area. The polygon issue is something I've thought about. However, the code would be much more complicated if I was using polygons. I'd need to both determine if objects were within the polygon, but worse get the overlap percentage of the polygon. While that is on the long term list of things to do, it probably isn't happening soon. While this is a limitation, you can just use multiple rectangles now, or even multiple rectangles with an ignore are in the middle if you want. For practical purposes the way it is now works pretty well in about 90% of the cases. Yes, it would be a nice feature to have though.

I'm not sure what you mean about the AOI not being perfectly aligned. Yes they are all up and down (exactly as far as I know) with the underlying picture pixels. That's not to say that those lines would appear to match vertical/horizontal features in a picture. That depends on camera alignment and angles/depth.
It's a perspective thing. Our driveway i.e. of course due to the perspective of the cam has a much lower width on top of the picture than at the bottom. The street, where I don't want cars to trigger the event, is an inclined line and not a fully horizontal thing on the camera picture. When I touch the corners, the borders of the AOI still stay exactly horizontal and vertical. What would be needed would at least be a trapeze than a rectangle ... so still 4 corners (I understand that a polygon would be even more complex), but the corner pointe should be freely movable so you can build a rectangle with a lower width on top than at the bottom to cover perspective issues. I hope it's understandable ... hard to explain in English.

Multiple boxed would be of course helpful, but I did not see a way to get multiple boxed as a part of one AOI. The only way is to create multiple AOI, but you need to set up everything independently for each single box. That's a bit a configuration mess.


IPCT Contributor
Aug 3, 2020
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OK, I am about 99% certain I fixed the issue. Even though you probably don't care I'll tell you what was going on.
1. The height resolution in the Live Camera setting was incorrectly being saved with the X Resolution. This was due to a typo at about 2:00am where an X looks awfully like an Y.
2. That resulted in a Snapshot (or worse Continuous button) being forced onto a square rather than the standard rectangle. The app attempted to adjust the registration point to cope with that.
3. When you went back to standard captured frames the app would try to force the registration back into a rectangle aspect ratio. It didn't get it back correctly.
4. When the camera stuff got saved the registration point got saved with the incorrect values.
5. In my testing prior to the release I probably didn't use the snapshot or continuous feature, or if I did I didn't notice the problem. In any event, the was nasty to track down.

The fixed is here along with the bonus feature of being able to keep pictures with objects when you "Cleanup Old Pictures": Release On Guard Security Assistant Version 1.7.1 · Ken98045/On-Guard
OK, I did find at least an additional problem with the registration point. Under some circumstances the registration point is still getting messed up. I have strategy for narrowing this down, but it may take me a while because I still can't find what is going on.


Getting the hang of it
Jun 18, 2020
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Noticed something interesting last night, restarted my computer and when I loaded up OnGuard I wanted to edit an AOI, and noticed an AOI I could have sworn I deleted was still there for that camera. Deleted it, and tested by exiting the app, loading it back there and checking AOIs, the deleted one was once again back.


Getting comfortable
Feb 5, 2017
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Noticed something interesting last night, restarted my computer and when I loaded up OnGuard I wanted to edit an AOI, and noticed an AOI I could have sworn I deleted was still there for that camera. Deleted it, and tested by exiting the app, loading it back there and checking AOIs, the deleted one was once again back.
I’ve had this happen as well. I had to delete it in the Windows registry.


IPCT Contributor
Aug 3, 2020
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I’ve had this happen as well. I had to delete it in the Windows registry.
This should be fixed in 1.7.2. There were a number of issues fixed that this may relate to. I don't think there are new bugs at least.
Jan 25, 2021
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Illinois, US
I am trying to setup the outgoing mail server, however, I keep getting errors that the message has failed to send.

Email exception: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed.
This is the error I am getting. Any recommendations to fix this? I am on the latest version of On Guard


Getting comfortable
Feb 5, 2017
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This should be fixed in 1.7.2. There were a number of issues fixed that this may relate to. I don't think there are new bugs at least.
Nice work! This seems to have fixed all the issues I have seen so far.


IPCT Contributor
Aug 3, 2020
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Are you using SMTP for your outgoing mail server?
The email related code has not changed at all in months. Yes, you do need to use smtp for your mail server. The specific error information is a little unclear, but it seems like there was a problem either actually reaching your email server, or the remote server closed the connection without responding.
I am trying to setup the outgoing mail server, however, I keep getting errors that the message has failed to send.

Email exception: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed.
This is the error I am getting. Any recommendations to fix this? I am on the latest version of On Guard
The email related code has not changed at all in months. Yes, you do need to use smtp for your mail server. The specific error information is a little unclear, but it seems like there was a problem either actually reaching your email server, or the remote server closed the connection without responding. This very well be that the port you are trying to reach is unavailable, or it could be that the remote server is rejecting your sign-int (user name/password) and is closing the connection. With respect to the user name/password issue, I've found (and other people have agreed) that you should make sure your user name includes your domain (

Another thing to try would be using a different email client to reach your server using an identical set of parameters (user name, password, port and "SSL". However, note that in my case Outlook won't accept my user name with the @ in it while On Guard requires it.

I don't know exactly how "universal" the functionality provided by the support library from Microsoft is in reaching every potential type of email server. I would expect it to be, but am not certain. It is possible that your email server will have different ports or a different address for SMTP than for other email protocols.

The other issue to consider is your anti-virus software. You could try turning that off for 15 minutes or so and giving it another try. If that works then you'd need to make sure that your anti-virus is configured to white list On Guard.

Please let me know what you find out.
Jan 25, 2021
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Illinois, US
The email related code has not changed at all in months. Yes, you do need to use smtp for your mail server. The specific error information is a little unclear, but it seems like there was a problem either actually reaching your email server, or the remote server closed the connection without responding.

The email related code has not changed at all in months. Yes, you do need to use smtp for your mail server. The specific error information is a little unclear, but it seems like there was a problem either actually reaching your email server, or the remote server closed the connection without responding. This very well be that the port you are trying to reach is unavailable, or it could be that the remote server is rejecting your sign-int (user name/password) and is closing the connection. With respect to the user name/password issue, I've found (and other people have agreed) that you should make sure your user name includes your domain (

Another thing to try would be using a different email client to reach your server using an identical set of parameters (user name, password, port and "SSL". However, note that in my case Outlook won't accept my user name with the @ in it while On Guard requires it.

I don't know exactly how "universal" the functionality provided by the support library from Microsoft is in reaching every potential type of email server. I would expect it to be, but am not certain. It is possible that your email server will have different ports or a different address for SMTP than for other email protocols.

The other issue to consider is your anti-virus software. You could try turning that off for 15 minutes or so and giving it another try. If that works then you'd need to make sure that your anti-virus is configured to white list On Guard.

Please let me know what you find out.
I'm using Gmail as my mail server. So is the outgoing server address with the port of 465, with SSL selected. Just making sure I am not missing something was the thought process.


IPCT Contributor
Aug 3, 2020
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Gmail SMTP is kind of finicky. You might have to enable app security.

I did just double check things. There is an error in email Test feature. It picks up on saved email user/password, not the ones in the window. This will be fixed in the next release. For now, please just save your info and then go back in there and test it. I thought that I had fixed this months ago, but apparently it got re-introduced when I changed the settings information save location to the registry. Also, the actual email sending as a result of a movement trigger should just work.

I did test gmail, and it does work in the test function if you save your information first.

I would like to wait a week or so before putting out another release because I want to do multiple bugs at once.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 6, 2015
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Just a short question: When the reference points got messed up with previous versions ... how do I correct them?


IPCT Contributor
Aug 3, 2020
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Just a short question: When the reference points got messed up with previous versions ... how do I correct them?
The only (relatively) easy way to do this is to re-create things.

The hard way: You could also manually change them via the registry if you are comfortable with that. The settings are at: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\K2Software\OnGuard. Each camera has RegistrationX and RegistrationY. In addition there is RegistrationXResolution and RegistrationYResolution (these are the resolutions for the bitmap when the registration mark was created).

Another way. If you can wait a few days I'll put an option in the registration mark set routines to give you the option of whether or not to move the areas with respect to the registration mark. I could put that up today, but I'd prefer to wait for a bug rodeo fix later this week. I'm trying not to introduce new features, but this should have always been there and it is a relatively safe change. If you like I will put that change up there late today, but you'd need to download it via the "code" download feature on github.


IPCT Contributor
Aug 3, 2020
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The only (relatively) easy way to do this is to re-create things.

The hard way: You could also manually change them via the registry if you are comfortable with that. The settings are at: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\K2Software\OnGuard. Each camera has RegistrationX and RegistrationY. In addition there is RegistrationXResolution and RegistrationYResolution (these are the resolutions for the bitmap when the registration mark was created).

Another way. If you can wait a few days I'll put an option in the registration mark set routines to give you the option of whether or not to move the areas with respect to the registration mark. I could put that up today, but I'd prefer to wait for a bug rodeo fix later this week. I'm trying not to introduce new features, but this should have always been there and it is a relatively safe change. If you like I will put that change up there late today, but you'd need to download it via the "code" download feature on github.
That change is now there if you do a Code download from github. Look in the Src\Installer\Setup directory for the install files. This includes a few other bug fixes as well, but nothing too dramatic. Sorry again, that feature should have always been there.


Young grasshopper
Dec 13, 2019
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Oklahoma, US
I uninstalled the previous version and installed 1.7.2 (full zip) yesterday. I am only using MQTT notifications on motion and no emails and I am triggering BI to record via Home Automation. I am not getting any MQTT messages for cars that are identified, only trucks. I am not certain but it appears from the log that the software believes that this vehicle is parked. I renamed the picture and dropped it back in the monitored folder after there were 18 images processed from the camera without the car. The image is identified as a car with 74% confidence. Analyze image shows the car in the success box. I am using car and truck in the AOI set at 50%.


I tried a different camera that captured the same car with the same result.


I then modified the AOI and removed car and truck and added *any vehicle at 50% and triggered the camera. There were 4 images processed between the 2 images with cars that I copied into the monitored folder with the same result.




IPCT Contributor
Aug 3, 2020
Reaction score
I uninstalled the previous version and installed 1.7.2 (full zip) yesterday. I am only using MQTT notifications on motion and no emails and I am triggering BI to record via Home Automation. I am not getting any MQTT messages for cars that are identified, only trucks. I am not certain but it appears from the log that the software believes that this vehicle is parked. I renamed the picture and dropped it back in the monitored folder after there were 18 images processed from the camera without the car. The image is identified as a car with 74% confidence. Analyze image shows the car in the success box. I am using car and truck in the AOI set at 50%.

View attachment 80639

I tried a different camera that captured the same car with the same result.

View attachment 80636

I then modified the AOI and removed car and truck and added *any vehicle at 50% and triggered the camera. There were 4 images processed between the 2 images with cars that I copied into the monitored folder with the same result.

View attachment 80638
The logic for defining a car as parked needs to be worked on. It seemed to be better for lower frame rate situations. That is, if you are taking 10fps the vehicle may only move slightly between frames. At 1fps, the moves further, and therefore isn't considered parked. There may also be some outright bugs in there too.

In the longer term (probably a few days or so) I would like to examine positions over time (say 5+ seconds) to see if vehicles are moving. I'll take a look later today.
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