Lets talk next level PTZ's with Laser IR


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
The Swamp
As you may know I tested the 1/2.8 sensor model of the SD6AL445XA-HNR-IR and while I have a reasonably well lit scene and am happy with it for what it does, The Autotracking is awesome, and its daytime image great! But I found two things I'd change
(Yes all my Youtube videos are gone. Working on getting new samples up)

1- The 1/2.8 sensor just isnt big enough for 4MP. It really needs 1/1.8 minimum
2- The IR just wasnt as powerful as hoped or as specs said it was. This may have something to do with the relationship to the Fstop as it drops F1.6 to F4.9 at distance

So I'm considering these two models, same camera, same 1/1.8 sensor, but one 2MP and the other is 4MP

Couple of things look interesting,
  • The 1/1,8 sensor in the 2MP cameras in theory should be a low light Monster!
  • Both have the Laser IR which is soec'd at 550M or 1804ft!
Anyone seen or have any footage of either of these at night? Any experience with the Laser IR? Any thoughts on the 1/1,8 sensor in the 2MP?
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I am very interested in this as well, I am also waiting for the new catalog and my next PTZ I am looking for Laser as well. I did try to lookup the 33xa-hnr footage could not find one with a laser in action very interested in this. I almost last month did pull the trigger on the 1 1.8 33x laser ptz but wanted to wait and see if anything new/better comes around for this year :)
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Yeah same here. About to pull the trigger on one for a low light goat farm and one to replace the 1/2.8 one I reviewed for the HOA. (I have a better spot for it at the culdesac.

I can’t imagine they’d put the 1/2 or bigger sensor in this price range? $1200-1500? But I’d sure be pissed if I bought the 1/1.8 and they did!

I’ve seen a few clips from 2016 with the laser IR and it was impressive, but nothing close to current.
I know there are some Dahua Partners that stop in here now and then, hopefully someone will dig up some video
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I wish they had that 4/3 8mp PTZ with laser :p

I think laser is all worth specially at-least one.. This way if you wanna look at long distance at night we can easily do that because of laser IR.. And the new one now has auto tracking 2.0 so its nice :) I agree wish like you said even 1 1.8 2mp will be ahh so much better.. than 4mp :p

I was at one point was trying to find even external laser IR to just point could not find one. This way you have the laser IR which seems to be so hard to find and the best part it will have PTZ function as well along with cam :p
I would love a 2MP on that sensor. That would have to rock at nighttime. These things need so much light. I am disappointed in my 5442 because I have to force it in color, but I bet a 2MP on that sensor could possibly run good color at night.

While I haven't found video of that camera, I did find a comparable Hik 2MP on a 1/1.9" sensor:

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This one should be good don't know how I over looked this these are 1 1.8 sensor but 2mp so should be good for low light however No Laser IR though but zoom is a lot more.. :(

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now if we can just find some video of a 1/1.8 2MP ptz at night!
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As you may know I tested the 1/2.8 sensor model of the SD6AL445XA-HNR-IR and while I have a reasonably well lit scene and am happy with it for what it does, The Autotracking is awesome, and its daytime image great! But I found two things I'd change
(Yes all my Youtube videos are gone. Working on getting new samples up)

1- The 1/2.8 sensor just isnt big enough for 4MP. It really needs 1/1.8 minimum
2- The IR just wasnt as powerful as hoped or as specs said it was. This may have something to do with the relationship to the Fstop as it drops F1.6 to F4.9 at distance

So I'm considering these two models, same camera, same 1/1.8 sensor, but one 2MP and the other is 4MP

Couple of things look interesting,
  • The 1/1,8 sensor in the 2MP cameras in theory should be a low light Monster!
  • Both have the Laser IR which is soec'd at 550M or 1804ft!
Anyone seen or have any footage of either of these at night? Any experience with the Laser IR? Any thoughts on the 1/1,8 sensor in the 2MP?

The minimum illumination is the same for both models. Also Andy hinted that a new PTZ with the 1/1.2" sensor was coming out, so I am waiting for the specs on that one. Looks like a few of us are in the market for a new PTZ this year. :)
Have a look at the spec on the NEW Hikvision

It is £1800 Inc VAT here in the UK and carries a 5 year warranty.
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I’m sure it’s nice. At $2500-$3000 min. it’s a bit more (2-3x) than I’d like to spend. Dahua makes one with a 4/3 sensor and a 320mm lens.

Im looking for midrange units.
Just saw that after you mentioned it.
no idea..
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Ah just bought the SD6AL433XA-HNR from Andy. It was a hard decision between 2 and 4mp.. Only reason picked 4 as it be best for both day and night this way and also the auto track is there to assist the laser at night :P Thank you bigredfish for posting both here it helped me a lot. I always wanted a ptz with laser IR
Congrats! You beat me to it. I'll probably be buying one soon for the HOA to replace the one with the 1/2.8 sensor.

Do get us some nighttime laser video samples!
Yes, I still wanna see what a 2mp can do.. I will be posting 4mp video soon. I am also replacing possibly for now a 1 2.8 2mp. May will add that somewhere else not sure.
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All this talk of big sensors and lasers is getting me excited. o_O I think there should be a new forum category for just such topics to include discussion, reviews, videos of just the newest cutting edge stuff coming out or already here, regardless of price. It could be called "Cam Porn Chat"!