Is this a person or a pig?


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
Bad video but worth it for the sound.

damn....I'm 60. I have to say, it might not turn out that way for me, as much as I'd like to think I can still kick ass, I have to remember it takes me some agonizing pain to put my socks on in the morning> :)
Now numb-nuts has a pretty bad neck and/or shoulder injury! He should be grateful that Jack Reacher / Jason Bourne-like dude didn't shove the gun down his throat! :winktongue:

I detest thieves! :angry:
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Personally, I'd have thought he'd render the guy he body slammed unconscious then go after the other guy. Then again the other guy didn't seem very interested in helping his buddy or even trying to disable the "victim".
Hahaha.... I re-watch the video just to make sure there was no pigs around the area. I would think this was a fake if not for the hard body slam.:D
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