Hi there , I have a question maybe you can help

Sep 22, 2015
New And a question
Im trying to connect a ptz camera to my dvr rs485. I know I gotta put only two wire 1 positive and 1 negative into it but my camera has 7 wires going into the ptz camera. How do I get the 7 into 2 wires to go into the rs485?? I would love to attach a pic, but can manage to do it
You are going to have to be a little more specific on what camera you have that you are trying to plug into your DVR. It sounds to me like you are attempting to plug an IP camera into analog DVR, but I could be wrong.
Thanks for the Reply, but i get the image on screen. Its just the ptz i cant figure out. There are 7 wires that controls it from the camera, but I can only plug in 2 in the dvr. I'm lost.
Ps. It's a Sony ipela
Would be a whole lot easier to help if you can provide the specifics of the devices you are working with. Sony ipela, which model? Which model for DVR? Look for the labels. The info should be there.
To bad I can't attach a picture. Here's my email if you want I can send you the pics
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Ok. Got the pics. Let me know if you can help me. I'm lost.


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The pictures you have are of the general terminal block connection...

What is the other connector that you don't show - it has a white wire and another wire - is it a green one or black? If so and there is no termination block on the other end that is what you run to the RS485 connections - white to the "A" and green or black to the "B"

However that still doesn't tell us where your power and video outs are...

Your picture are so close up and tell us really nothing about the hardware other than your connections. As referenced above I think your trying to mix analog and digital technology together. To really receive assistance you might want to do the following and I'm sure several of us can provide additional details.

1. exact model/manufacture of DVR/NVR - if not sure take a picture of the entire back and entire front of the unit (mainly the back where ALL connections are)

2. exact model of camera and show us 2 pictures - one the camera as a whole and ALL the connections coming out of it as well as any unutilized ports.

Not trying to be difficult but the more information you provide the better AND quicker you will get answers.
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Ok so here are some more pics. Hope they help. As you can see, the video and power is good , and I get to see it on my screen... Problem is th ptz wires. The other female wires are for the audio which I don't need.


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if you connect power and video you say you get video correct?

The black and white wire with the green block on the end - that is what you need for your RS485 port which should drive your controls - white to a and black to b... Have you tried that and just let the 7 color wire alone? Do you not get video and ptz functions if you do it this way?
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And in the back of my dvr has a +and - not a and b!

If you tag me in your follow up i'll get a notification, sorry about the delayed response.

Now I'm really confused.

As a "standard" which I guess we shouldn't operate by the black and white wire would have been your PTZ (with the green rs486 blocks on it)...

That BNC I would have assumed to be your video...

That black connector (not the mic one, the one next to that) I would have assumed was your power...

Again, that looks like an analog camera since it does not have an RJ45 jack/connection and the above information is pretty standard for analog cameras... As for that 7 color cable that it appears the end got pulled off of I would have thought that to be something like an older rs232 connection or even gone into an rs232 to rs485 adapter.

Sorry, this is about the end of the road on suggestions I can provide to ya.
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Yeah, based on the limited information it seems you will need an external PTZ controller that supports RS232 connection to be able to control the camera.


It doesn't seem possible to control the camera with your nvr, unless there is some type of rs232 to rs485 converter/adapter that can be used. (I don't even know if it is possible)


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