Dahua NVRs channel zero


Young grasshopper
Jun 29, 2019
Hey guys,

On the old web UIs there was option to enable channel zero, which as you know reduces the overall bandwidth required to view all the cameras at once.

On the new UI (NVR 4.0) doesn't even mention the existence of channel 0.

Does anyone know how to enable it? Is it even possible to do so?

Bottom right of web browser live view

That's not it.

On my NVR these buttons are on the left, the one you point to says "View 1", the one next to it "View 4".

I'm talking about Channel "Zero" - i.e. streaming all cameras as a single stream. Perhaps you're not familiar with what I'm talking about?
Hi Man,

If you are not using IE, you might not see the buttons.


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On my NVR 5216 V4 UI, no Zero Channel is available but on my XVR V4 UI, it's available via the display settings. Perhaps they removed it on the V4 UI on the NVR's.
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Yes, no "Channel 0" .... there's again "View 1/4/whatever" but no Channel zero..
Most likely they've removed this on some NVRs ....
It did show up on one of them at least, but for some reason when I try to start the cameras, I get "Please log in first.", even tho I'm logged into the web interface .....
Any ideas?
I've come across this quite a few times on firmware versions from 2020. Update firmware should fix it for you.
Viewing zero channel on gdmss will change the video output on the actual NVR to show all channels of the nvr on the output screen, even if some channels are empty. To fix this, in smart pss lite, open live view, right click on your nvr site, select zero-channel, and click the option you want. For example, if you have 9 cameras on a 16 channel nvr and only want to see the channels being used, click 9 splits -> 1-9. Whatever you select will change what is being displayed through the actual nvr video output to that view. You are actually changing what is being displayed on the monitor attached to the actual NVR. This is useful if you want to help change someone's view remotely.
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You will also want to double check if you give access to others in a limited portion of the DVR/NVR.. Because in some devices this trick can be used to track what the Owner of the DVR/NVR is doing and not only see the screens change on the GUI of the unit but changes made in the GUI even adding in your log in pattern will in some cases translate to the watching viewer.. Now good news for my DVRs that I turn on Zero Channel option it will infact change the display on the GUI but anything in the DVRs menus will not translate to the viewer.. This can also mean that by watching the Zero Channel they could even see a channel you might not give them access too if you happen to click on that channel while they are watching... This is also same for the user if they log in to the WebUI of the NVR and click on the bottom right grid.. All will open in 1 channel of the recorders webUI and can be seen what is going on. Personally this isn't good and is a Flaw in my mind. 2 Reasons. 1 because it can't be turned on or off like you can in the DVRs.. 2 because everything even setting up passwords for new users that might have different cameras rights then the user watching.. Plus the ability to see the admins pattern for logging in.. Another thing that I also feel is a flaw.. If your recorder instructs you turn turn off your device after you pick shutdown.. Then doing this in Remote can make it so the system is disabled while someone does something and then logs back in and reboots the NVR after the crime and system is back online and recording again.. Once it is in Turn off power or remove power or what ever your screen might say it is no longer recording.. With options of logout, reboot and shutdown in the WebUI not a good idea having a machine that you need to remove power from before it goes off.. Flaw.. 3 or 4 years ago I posted a video about it and why it is bad.. I do not mind the ability to Reboot but remote shutdown is just no reason for it..


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