Only 1 camera working


Nov 22, 2015
Bought a couple of Tech Guard 2.4mp bullet cameras from ebay. I tested them both on the floor, but individually, both worked with their respective cables.

Now they are both mounted, I can only seem to get one to work. I finally got the software from the company as the Cd didn't work. Tried changing the IP address of the one that does work in the hope it is just a conflict and the other still doesn't come up.

Have a hikvision camera that works irrelevant of these 2. A 5a power supply feeding them wiwth passive POE connectors. When it's dark IR lights on both the Tech Guard cameras work.

New to this so any advice would be much appreciated. I've had a google, but most solutions seem relevant to that camera, the only other possible solution I've found is a port conflict? But there isn't any option to change the port on the IP address software.
Hi M119,

Welcome to the forum. I havent personally heard of TechGuard nor do I have any experience with them.
Since the camera in question worked while you were testing it, there are two potential causes for it not working now:
1. Something has changed in your network setup has changed between testing and mounting.
2. The ethernet cable has been damaged during mounting.
3. The camera has developed a fault between testing and mounting.

Could you clarify when you say one worked during testing and doesn't seem to work after mounting? How did you test them initially? Is it that the manufacturer's software to change the IP address of the camera and/or port doesnt detect the camera, while it does detect the other one and you are able to view the image? How are you viewing the image of the one that does work?

If you are positive you havent changed anything (even accidentally), it has to be the second/third reason - the ethernet cable or the camera has developed a fault.

Are you able to try an alternative cable?
Thanks for the suggestions, I bit the bullet and pulled the camera down, tried another camera, worked, tried the first and it worked. Must of been a dodgy connection somewhere along the way.
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Thanks for the suggestions, I bit the bullet and pulled the camera down, tried another camera, worked, tried the first and it worked. Must of been a dodgy connection somewhere along the way.

See that! You come to for help and the next thing you know your problems are solved! You're welcome. Have a nice day. Carry on!
Indeed, although by coming here has created more subtle problems, like finding excuses to buy more camera's, software, etc.
Indeed, although by coming here has created more subtle problems, like finding excuses to buy more camera's, software, etc.

Oh my poor friend. It appears that you may have contracted Ipcamophrenia...

[eye-pee-cam-o-free-nee-uh, -freen-yuh]
Psychiatry. Also called dementia cctvia. A severe mental disorder characterized by some, but not necessarily all, of the following symptoms: insatiable surveillance camera purchases, obsessive new model lust, excessive night vision tweaking, compulsive firmware upgrading, CPU capability delusions and digital noise hallucinations.

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