Axis Q1785-LE Focus issues at night


Nov 21, 2023
Hanover, MD
Good Morning,

We have a number of Q1785-LE and Q1786-LE Cameras that we use for LPR on our property. We are having occasional issues with the cameras going out and staying of focus (Even when they are on autofocus) for a long amount of time until something passes the camera and it refocuses itself. They all are running their IR functionality at night so lighting shouldn't be that big of an issue. I have tried the autofocus area feature but still doesn't seen to help much. Any help and/or suggestions would be appreciated.
I suspect it’s similar to the Dahua Z12 cameras many of us use. Even though IR is on, it’s likely aimed at a spot in the pavement and has nothing to reflect the IR, thus nothing to focus on.

We get around that in one of 3 ways
1- Run B&W 24/7 so there is no shift in the focus point
2- Run a time schedule, forcing B&W / IR approx 30-45 min before sunset while there is still enough light to focus and 30 min after sunrise
3- some run a separate utility to make the above change more automated
During daylight, when image is correctly focused, set focus to MANUAL. The focus should be stable enough for both day and night.

I work with a Q1700-LE that used to get wonky with its auto focus once in a blue moon. Set it to manual and it works well day and night.