US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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Ole Joe is headed to Las Vegas to do a high-speed rail from L.A. to Vegas. Fortunately one only
has to drive to Bakersfield to board! ;)


Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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I've seen a few articles in conservative media pitching Tucker as Trump's running mate. I'm torn as to what I think of this, and what others would think. My gut feeling is that it's probably not a good idea. Another "rumor" is for him to pick Ben Carson. I'd be comfortable with him but I'm afraid he doesn't have good enough name recognition. Kristi Noem is another name that's been floated. I hate it that it's more about who helps poll numbers the best instead of who's most qualified.
Tucker just got the most powerful endorsement yet for veep…and Trump is reportedly “thrilled”…
Tucker is a good guy he will be a great option for a diplomatic position, his father was a diplomat.
But for VP and president you need a politician. Also Tucker is non interventionist and he will not intervene military any where, even if its in the US interests like Taiwan.

Kristi Noem probably get some woman votes but is a weak VP candidate and will not win 2028. I am sorry but woman just don't stand a chance, the deep state will take her for a ride.

If you want 2028 win and Trump legacy to be preserved and not undone, you need Vivek. Highest IQ candidate in US history who also knows the law. He has already given a list of Federal Judges he will appoint and has given concrete steps on how he will do it on all major issues. The problem with Vivek is he doesn't want to be VP.

If it has to be a female for Trumps VP Kari Lake is better, Tulsi Gabbard is more recognized and may get more votes .
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Next two GOP debates is going to held by CNN.
If this isn't proof Rona Romney is RINO working with democrats, I don't know what is.

CNN said that polling number should be 10% or more to qualify, in CNN approved polling.

If its a CNN approved or conducted polling only Christie and Haley would qualify. Desantis may just about qualify in Iowa.

Vivek may not qualify, since his support comes from mainly first time voters who are not polled or from Libertarians and former old school Democrats. Vivek events are mainly attended by Veterans, people with Ron Paul shirts and and young conservatives. Of these the Maga supporters polled will always stick to Trump, even if Vivek is there second choice.

So if Vivek is not on the debate, it will be nothing but a Trump bashing event, that to on CNN.

On a recent townhall event of RFK JR, he said that his main support is from young voters and he is not doing well with baby boomers or people above 60 years of age and the reason for that he claims is that those age group get their news from MSM cable news. Where RFK JR is banned from media coverage and has been labeled as a conspiracy theorist.
But a recent media research show that the most censored candidate by big tech and MSM is now Vivek followed by RFK Jr then Trump and Desantis.

Even with Trump, the poll survery shows support from republican voters drop as the age of the voter goes above 60 (only less then 20% of the age group support Trump) and highest support for Trump is coming from people under 30 years of age (54%). Same applies to Vivek with even more young voters.

Both Trump and Vivek do get support from Veterans no matter how old they are.

I have no idea who are all those Nikki haley supporters, I have not met one. She is doing well in left conducted polls.
Personally, I only like to hear what Vivek has to say. Main reason I liked Trump, Not a Politician, Vivek, IMO, rocks Two, as in Trump 2.0 :), Vivek would make a good VP as long as he would be able to take orders. Hard to get two head strong people to work good together.


Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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Personally, I only like to hear what Vivek has to say. Main reason I liked Trump, Not a Politician, Vivek, IMO, rocks Two, as in Trump 2.0 :), Vivek would make a good VP as long as he would be able to take orders. Hard to get two head strong people to work good together.
True about two head strong people but remember Trump gave Gen Mattis power to overide him in defense related issues like drone strikes etc only on really high profile issues that could cause a miltary fallout did Trump make the final call.
Even for Mike Pompeo who Trump appointed has CIA director and then as Secretary of State, Trump gave tremendous freedom, but its the same weakness that made Trump to not release all of the JFK files after Mike Pompeo forced him to. As was the case for pardoning of Julian Assange.

I think Trump would be more then happy to let Vivek go after the three letter agency tasked with watching parents at school board meeting or the agency that illegally obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign. All Trump has to do is sign it off.

Trump also tasked Pence for Covid, since Trump comes from the business world he likes smart people. Vivek is most likey candidate for VP. They met before in 2021. Jared Kushner is friends with Vivek and Trump Jr follows Vivek even before 2023 on twitter. Considering the damage the MSM is doing to Viveks companies, Vivek has a plan.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Just watched:

Don't want to give it away but it seems fitting in the Thread of what a future attack may look like in today's world.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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"Beyond Shocking": ACLU Will Represent NRA In Free Speech Supreme Court Case
"Beyond Shocking": ACLU Will Represent NRA In Free Speech Supreme Court Case | ZeroHedge

The American Civil Liberties Union, a left-wing advocacy group, has returned to their roots in defense of an ideological enemy: the National Rifle Association. This move is part of their ongoing effort to remain relevant and defend Americans against First Amendment violations by an overreaching federal government.

"We're representing the NRA at the Supreme Court in their case against New York's Department of Financial Services for abusing its regulatory power to violate the NRA's First Amendment rights. The government can't blacklist an advocacy group because of its viewpoint," the ACLU announced on 'free speech' platform X.

BREAKING: We’re representing the NRA at the Supreme Court in their case against New York’s Department of Financial Services for abusing its regulatory power to violate the NRA’s First Amendment rights.

The government can’t blacklist an advocacy group because of its viewpoint.
— ACLU (@ACLU) December 9, 2023

ACLU made it very clear that they "don't support the NRA's mission or its viewpoints on gun rights, and we don't agree with their goals, strategies, or tactics. But we both know that government officials can't punish organizations because they disapprove of their views."
We don’t support the NRA's mission or its viewpoints on gun rights, and we don’t agree with their goals, strategies, or tactics.

But we both know that government officials can't punish organizations because they disapprove of their views.
The A.C.L.U. Has a New Client: The National Rifle Association
— ACLU (@ACLU) December 9, 2023
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