US Elections (& Politics) :)


Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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DeSantis has a better track record of actually doing shit instead of flapping his lips than most but he’s too low key for the mob. It’s gotta be fight club now for many.

As I keep saying, it won’t matter. They’ll put in place whomever they can control, Rep or Dem it doesn’t matter.

Trump they can’t control. But if not him, I’ll take DeSantis all day.
Desantis does not have the "IT-Factor". Nothing lands, he is unatural on stage from body language to what not. They make fun of his smile, walking, boots. He is a Hybrid part establishment part non-establisment. But a great governor.
His videos on youtube has 10 to 50 times less views then Trump or Vivek.

Trump is like a Mafia boss entering a room and every one else shuts up like other world leaders, dictators, thugs. Both Putin and Xi behaved.

Vivek is charismatic, he can take on anyone on debate and disintegrate their narrative. His policies and topics most often touches the third rail with the establishment. The only person on the debate stage who praised Desantis as a governor and Trump as a President.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Completely agree. He's not "polished" and not ready for fight club. But I think he's a better #2 choice behind Trump based on his actions.

I didnt watch it but they say he did well against Newsome (likely Dem candidate) in their debate last week?

* We'll gladly keep him ;)

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I have to laugh at how scared everyone is of Trump, the Democracks are scared of Trump, that is a no brainer, the RINOs are also scared of what he will continue to do when back in office, exposing the Deep State, the Swamp, their crooked deeds. Liz Cheney just wrote a book of how scared she is. Trump has pretty much the whole Gov't scared of him. They don't want change, they don't want to be exposed for who they Really are.

Many look at Jan. 6 as a bad thing, I see it as a huge eye-opener of how our Gov't really cares about and treats it's citizens...


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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If DeSantis had even a little smartness he would have tried to position himself as Trump's running mate. It would have made for a strong ticket and positioned DeSantis to be the GOP pres choice in 4 years. Instead, competing for something he can't win has weakened his image.
DeSantis for the longest time tried not to spare with Trump because he is very aligned with what Trump wants. The problem is Trump. Trump went on the attack because he was threatened by DeSantis. DeSantis I feel tried his best to stay out of the mud fight but eventually it could not be helped. I hope Trump can win but he needs to keep his mouth under control. Trump's worst enemy is Trump and that says a lot given the number of libtards and RINOs trying to take him down.


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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As much as I like Vivek it's just not going to happen. He kind of went down Trump's memory lane the other day with his personal attacks which many was beneath him and not necessary. I personally don't have a problem with it and for that matter Trump's similar style. I'm just saying that Trump needs to be a little smarter in the mouth department to satisfy all the "he's not presidential" crybabies. Just say no to Hayley and Christie. In fact, to hell with Christie. I can't take much of his bullshit RINO establishment back stabbing these days. The problem with Haley is she's one of those Republicans who continues to think that if she is just plays "nice" with the libtards that they'll see the errors of their ways and drop their no holds bar mafia ways. She'll give an inch so they can take a mile. The great thing about Trump is he fought fire with fire and used libtard tactics against them. LOL!
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Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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As much as I like Vivek it's just not going to happen. He kind of went down Trump's memory lane the other day with his personal attacks which many was beneath him and not necessary. I personally don't have a problem with it and for that matter Trump's similar style. I'm just saying that Trump needs to be a little smarter in the mouth department to satisfy all the "he's not presidential" crybabies. Just say no to Hayley and Christie. In fact, to hell with Christie. I can't take much of his bullshit RINO establishment back stabbing these days. The problem with Haley is she's one of those Republicans who continues to think that if she is just plays "nice" with the libtards that they'll see the errors of their ways and drop their no holds bar mafia ways. She'll give an inch so they can take a mile. The great thing about Trump is he fought fire with fire and used libtard tactics against them. LOL!
I know Vivek has no chance in 2024 but if Trump is not on the ballot, assuming the country survives. Vivek will get vast majority of the Trump votes.

Nikki Haley is counting on Democrat voters to switch parties and vote for her in the caucus either that or the establishment knows something we don't.

Desantis is in no mans land. He pissed Maga voters, the left is not going to vote for him. Neocons are not going to vote for him.

In the first debate Christie and Pence where talking, these two had only one job to prop up Desantis and attack Trump, since Trump was not there they attacked Vivek.

But on the second debate Vivek didn't attack anyone but he was attacked on personal level by Nikki, she said "I feel dumber each time Vivek speaks" . Which ironically is true, since Vivek makes look eveyone else dumb. She also said Vivek went on Tik Tok.
But Viveks poll number dropped after the second debate, majority of the podcasts saying Vivek should have attacked back.

On the third debate, Nikki again attacked Vivek on a personal level and called him a scum. Because Vivek pointed out that her own 25 year old ADULT daughter was on Tik Tok.
At this point Vivek was the most censored candidate by MSM.
Nikki went on a podcast and claimed Vivek has a woman problem for attacking her and RNC chair Ronna Romney.

On the 4th debate, Vivek took her to task for the woman card attack. He also destroyed her foreign policy expert narrative, that she brought up in the first debate.
Vivek poll numbers now shot up, whether thats due to the debate or whether CNN now wants Vivek on the next debate, since without him it will be a snooze fest. Only reason CNN had a Town hall event with Trump a few months back is for the ratings.

Since the last two debates during the commerical breaks, Christie and Haley are seen talking and laughing. While Desantis and Vivek are doing the same on the other side of the stage. We have two camps old school establishment that wants Nikki, while the Voters want a non establishment candidate of which the order of support Trump>Vivek>Desantis going by votes on X, youtube views and crowd size attending.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon