I once ran into an electrical inspector who kept leaving red tags on the job, with nothing written except "LLS"
Finally, I had to ask the electrician what was wrong this time. Seems inspector griping about a ground bus bar screw being silver, not green.
Thought wow, now that's picky... didn't know a green screw was required for a GROUND bus screw... but hey, inspector's discretion..
Next job, another red tag. Nothing on it but "LLS"
Same electrician. Same inspector. Finally asked electrician, what the heck is this LLS written on every ticket, whether red of green tag?
Electrician replied "Looks Like Sh*t".
Seems electrician and Mr Inspector got into it way back, electrician called state inspector HQ, got the local inspector over-ruled, and ever since there was bad blood... and every job there was a tag left with nothing but "LLS"
Well, the work from our electrician was nothing at all like the photos in the previous posts... those really are deserving LLS tags