US Elections (& Politics) :)


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Jun 30, 2018
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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This isnt really about Ukraine as much as it is our reality that our leaders chose to ignore as they continue full throttle towards enriching themselves and selling us down the river,.

Ukraine war and Western system's fatal flaw
Ukraine war and Western system's fatal flaw | ZeroHedge

In his book, "Time to Start Thinking," Edward Luce referred to a 2011 strategy session held at the National Defense University by 16 high-ranking US military officers. They concluded as follows:
The window on America's hegemony is closing. We are at a point right now where we still have choices. By 2021, we will no longer have choices. ... The US is way too dependent on its military and should sharply reduce its 'global footprint' by winding up all wars, notably in Afghanistan, and by closing peacetime military bases in Germany, South Korea, the UK and elsewhere... All this is a means to an end, which is to restore America's economic vitality. ... Our #1 goal should be to restore America's prosperity. As such, we recommend the Pentagon shrink its budget by at least 20% ... most of the savings would be spent on civilian priorities such as the infrastructure, education and foreign aid. ... Nobody here thinks the politics in this town are going to change overnight; all we're saying is that we're in trouble if they don't. This isn't about ideology; it is about understanding where we are as a country.
Indeed, that was in 2011, more than 12 years ago. Of course, the warning was ignored and no course correction was allowed. The malignancy consumed America’s prosperity to pursue self-destructive military misadventures around the world. In nature, these types of malignancies deplete and kill their own hosts. It is now becoming clear to an increasing number of people in the West that this is our societies’ trajectory and that our owner classes only know one way to tackle complex challenges: by pressing ever harder on the accelerator pedal.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Too deep for a morning read, but great article imho

The Institutional Insanity Complex
The Institutional Insanity Complex | ZeroHedge

...... Whatever respect the U.S. government once received as “leader of the free world” is gone, replaced by contempt and antipathy from the 7 billion outside the West’s golden billion. First Ukraine and now Gaza have coalesced the multipolarity movement led by Russia and China. Strengthening one’s adversaries and needlessly creating new ones are the opposite of rational.

What else can be expected from people who believe in a double-digit number of genders, all interchangeable? The federal government, academia, corporate America, and Hollywood are ruthlessly promoting doctrines whose essence is that people’s gender, sexual proclivities, race, and ethnicity are their most important attributes, not their ability, competence, ingenuity, productivity, judgment, or character.

Nasty old capitalism that rewarded the latter has been replaced by crony socialism that rewards the former. Hierarchies are filled with people who can’t even be said to have reached their level of incompetence. They were incompetent to begin with, but secured their positions because they ticked the right DEI boxes, mouthed the prevailing platitudes, and slithered their way up the ladder. Anyone who points this out is smeared and cancelled. Truth must be discarded if it hurts the wrong feelings and exposes the wrong agendas.

Pretend is the order of the day. So, Washington pretends: that it can have an empire when its military hasn’t won a war since 1945; that it can jump into two major wars and potentially two more and it will win them all; that the unrelenting immigrant flow and crumbling, dangerous cities aren’t hallmarks of the U.S.’s regression into the third world; that the death-trap medical system promotes health; that the debts it cannot pay and commitments it cannot meet can just keep piling up, and that the corrupt ruling class, riddled with incompetents with no real world experience or useful skills, heads stuffed with nonsense, is entitled to rule by virtue of its hypocritical preening and ineptitude. Meanwhile, the mainstream media peddles the official propaganda and pretends all is well.

How does one preserve one’s sanity amidst this pervasive lunacy?


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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This isnt really about Ukraine as much as it is our reality that our leaders chose to ignore as they continue full throttle towards enriching themselves and selling us down the river,.

Ukraine war and Western system's fatal flaw
Ukraine war and Western system's fatal flaw | ZeroHedge

In his book, "Time to Start Thinking," Edward Luce referred to a 2011 strategy session held at the National Defense University by 16 high-ranking US military officers. They concluded as follows:

Indeed, that was in 2011, more than 12 years ago. Of course, the warning was ignored and no course correction was allowed. The malignancy consumed America’s prosperity to pursue self-destructive military misadventures around the world. In nature, these types of malignancies deplete and kill their own hosts. It is now becoming clear to an increasing number of people in the West that this is our societies’ trajectory and that our owner classes only know one way to tackle complex challenges: by pressing ever harder on the accelerator pedal.

With regard to the specifics of that conclusion I might disagree. I believe we do need the ability to respond quickly to threats. The world is full of predators and bullies. I'd rather have our guys with a big stick if the bad actors want to threaten our way of life or destabilize it. With regard to military spending there have been countless positives that have resulted from research that began with military spending. Unfortunately, these discoveries/inventions would not have come about on their own because "you don't know, what you don't know" until you try to solve a problem. Many of these have ended up in the commercial industry which benefits mankind and have enhanced our economy and way of life. While military spending is far from perfect because of low accountability I believe the bigger issue is in all other government non-military spending. The vastness of the ridiculous projects and spending that have undermined this country is mindboggling. Very, very low accountability. Enriching the corrupt, undermining human/citizen potential, enslaving people by enticing them into a life without merit; it's analogous to plugging them into "The Matrix" in many ways. My biggest problem with a lot of people is their attitude as "it's easy to spend other people's money." Our treasure is being pissed away on stupid shit. But in the last 20 years it's become an obvious nefarious activity that is meant to purposely create miserly rather than the result of just basic lack of intelligence and forethought. And these same bad actors have moved into the military with leaps and bounds. It's the liberal "progressives" who are like parasites draining out lifeblood. With regard to the military misadventures I believe you have to look at the military industrial complex and cohorts such as the CIA and those who profit. Follow the money and you'll see who the bad actors are. A 20% reduction would only result in cutting away capital projects in favor of leaving in the progressive shit in place such as DEI training and other nonsense.


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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There Is A War On Free Speech, And They Won't Ever Be Satisfied Until It Is Completely Eradicated
There Is A War On Free Speech, And They Won't Ever Be Satisfied Until It Is Completely Eradicated | ZeroHedge
I HATE "hate" crimes. When A white man murders a black man, it's murder. When a black man murders a white man, it's murder. Murder is murder. Why do we need to try to figure out what was in their heart at the time of the crime? It sickens me to read stories such as in England where a lady was arrested for "silently praying" in front of an abortion clinic. The cops decided they knew what was going on in her head and heart and arrested her. It's not just speech, it's silent thought now. It's truly amazing that after the 1949 book 1984 we are actually living the dystopian nightmare. Even when 1984 came we had no idea that it could become a reality in our lifetimes.
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Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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And right there is a large part of the problem. People think of themselves as whatever stupid silly group the Democraps want to put them in. The sooner we can think of ourselves as Americans who are members of Team America the sooner we can move forward with real progress and not "progressiveness". MAGA baby!!!!



Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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I HATE "hate" crimes. When A white man murders a black man, it's murder. When a black man murders a white man, it's murder. Murder is murder. Why do we need to try to figure out what was in their heart at the time of the crime? It sickens me to read stories such as in England where a lady was arrested for "silently praying" in front of an abortion clinic. The cops decided they knew was was going on in her head and heart and arrested her. It's not just speech, it's silent thought now. It's truly amazing that after the 1949 book 1984 we are actually living the dystopian nightmare. Even when 1984 came we had no idea that it could become a reality in our lifetimes.
And yet, just like BLM and Antifa protests is the USA, UK has Palestine protests where they freely chant their Jew genocide chant and cause chaos and damage. This dystopian style of gubermint is already here in the USA. Quell those on the right and allow or even protect the hate of the leftists. Even worse, the FBI participating in a fake insurrection and encouraging people to participate then frame them.

