Glass Face on Camera Cracked


Getting the hang of it
Mar 23, 2024
Got six Hikvision DS-2CD2087G2-L Cameras and two of them developed a crack. Lucky for me it happened under warranty so they were replaced (Thank you Hikvision). Wondering if anyone else has had this problem? One thing that may have caused this is the way I clean the cameras, which is spray some aerosol glass cleaner on the face then wiping it off, which I no longer do. Now I spray onto paper towel first. I'm thinking the temperature change is what caused the glass to crack.
You should ONLY be using distilled water, and a microfiber cloth.
Why ONLY distilled water? I know some glass cleaners have ammonia that may have bad effects on some surfaces but not on glass. Cleaner I use has no ammonia. Just curious why distill water only?
I'm thinking the temperature change is what caused the glass to crack.
Are you still in SF Bay Area? What possible temp extreme could you have there?
This is almost as weird as the voltage on the chicken wire behind your stucco...........

I'm beginning to think you got some bad juju, man. :idk:

I use non-ammonia glass cleaner from Walmart...after COVID I could no longer find the automotive, non-ammonia cleaners from Armor All and Turtle Wax....they disappeared off the face of the planet. Been using them for years on monitor screens and laptops, safe for plastics. As you said, one should spray some on cloth first, not on the the surface to be cleaned in this instance.
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Hi Tony, I use Sprayway ammonia free glass cleaner sold at HomeDepot, the temperature thing I'm just picking at straws. While I was writing this my wife, who's sitting right behind me tells me to look at the security monitor and sure enough I got another F-ing security camera out! Dam It!!!! Well at least it's not the chicken wire camera, and this one is mounted on wood. Bad JuJu! You got that right!!! I guess it's back to trouble shooting again!! :facepalm:
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Play back the video to see when it cracked...
Crack on one of the cameras was off to one side and was out of view of lens, so not recorded, the reason I found out about it was after a rain storm the image fogged up due to water getting inside. How long it was like that? My guess it happen between two to three weeks after the last lens cleaning. The other camera was the one I was having problems with, I guess we can call it the chicken wire camera which was dead at the time the crack happened. I was in the process of returning it and when I went to remove it I found the crack, so again not recorded. Bad Luck!
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