Wireless security network antenna advice


Jul 15, 2024
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Hello, I am designing a wireless security camera network for an apartment complex client. I normally install wired networks and this is my first wireless install. I decided wireless because a wired connection between the locations of the camera nodes to the NVR would very difficult and very expensive to achieve. My problem is that I cannot lock in on which setup should I use for the central location (NVR located in leasing office). I will be installing a camera at the gate and a camera in the laundry center. Both locations are in line with each other, with the leasing office in the located in the center of both. I have been doing some research and found that using a bridge antenna network is what is used in this situation. I have seen Ubiquiti has these types of antennas also cisco (Open to other recommendation as well). I believe a 2.4 Ghz network would be best because of the tree obstructions (the apartment is willing to trim the trees to ensure better LOS).

Here are a few questions I would greatly appreciate some help in solving.

1- I'm stuck between using an Ubiquiti OMNI directional antenna w/ 10dbi gain or use a Point to point antennas on each side of the leasing office. Which would be better suited for look appeal and functionality?

I am leaning towards the PtP antennas because I can mount them on the walls and they will blend in with the aesthetic of the building. However, not sure should I run the cabling internally through the the wall (a lot more difficult) to the back of the antenna or externally through the softfit to the antenna?

Also, with the Omni directional I just use a Non-penetration roof mount but this may throw off the look of the building having such a large object elongating from the roof. But may offer better coverage. Would this option be better?

I also, am trying to design the setup to make this system scalable. Because eventually they would like to add some cameras on the back gate and trash dumpster but they are not in direct LOS of the leasing office but they are in direct LOS with each other and the laundry center. Basically, (Back gate <> Dumpster <> Laundry center <> Leasing office).

My apologize for the long post of if you may find it confusing. Please ask a question I would be happy to clarify or provide more information if needed.

I greatly appreciate all recommendations and feedback. Thank you



Known around here
Aug 11, 2020
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Why isn’t the existing cable at the gate being repurposed for the cameras?!? There’s two cameras mounted up there already.