Chinese have us by the short hairs


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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We (the West) are so fucked. While we've been promoting people to high government office who are barely qualified to flip burgers, catering to deranged and sick nose ringed purple haired adolescents who dont know what bathroom to use, and graduating these little snot nosed parasites with worthless Advanced DEI degrees, the Chinese have been playing the long game.

China Had Persistent Access to US, Allied Networks For Years: White House Official

The comments follow several reports earlier this year by Dutch intelligence agencies, which found that state-backed hackers in China had compromised more than 20,000 systems across dozens of Western governments, international organizations, and a large number of companies within the defense industry.

That campaign, dubbed COATHANGER, allowed China-based hackers to achieve “permanent access” to vital systems, according to a Dutch statement. Moreover, Dutch intelligence last month confirmed that “it is likely that the state actor still has access to systems of a significant number of victims at the moment.”

Thus, the hackers continue to maintain their illicit access to key government agencies in the West.

It’s currently unclear if COATHANGER was designed purely for espionage purposes or as part of the broader CCP effort to prepare critical systems in foreign nations for sabotage


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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It’s currently unclear if COATHANGER was designed purely for espionage purposes or as part of the broader CCP effort to prepare critical systems in foreign nations for sabotage
Is one preferred over the other? Both are pretty bad and neither is acceptable, IMO...:mad:
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Known around here
Aug 11, 2020
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Is one preferred over the other? Both are pretty bad and neither is acceptable, IMO...:mad:
Absolutely agree, every government has / is monitoring their citizens to some degree. The vast majority of us have eased this access and monitoring by using what is considered basic and essential.

The internet, cell phone, IoT devices, video security cameras, vehicles, credit cards / electronic payment, etc.

All you can do is reduce your usage and make considered effort to pay with cash, leave your smart device at home, purchase online items with prepaid VISA / MasterCard and have the items shipped to third party recipient.

On a related note those Fucken retards that have adopted implanted RFID to gain access to services?!?

This is the epitome of being too stupid to live! :facepalm:

It’s right up there with the imbeciles trying to advance all the horse shit AI / brain integration?!?

Everyday when I think I’ve seen, read, heard it all. I’m resoundingly proven wrong that stupid can be pushed to a all new level!