Low Cost Camera with Blue Iris for Bird Box


Known around here
Jul 2, 2019
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Land down down under
@#$% starlings! :facepalm::lmao:
We had to make sure we capped the end of the traffic signal mastarms and any unused tenons on the mastarm to keep those buggers out....they would nest in there and make a big mess that caused problems if you ever had to pull in new conductors for an additional traffic signal on the mastarm.
Starlings are an invasive species here. The bird didn't stay in that birdhouse.


IPCT Contributor
Sep 25, 2016
Reaction score
Evansville, In. USA
That's wild, dude. Is it lethal, or just a significant reminder to its guest that popping in again probably isn't a good idea?

I've never seen one of those.

Wrens and Red Headed Woodpeckers are the biggest problem for our Bluebird nesting. They're tough little rascals though. And the boxes are close enough for me to assist in the deterrent effort. Even so they abandoned two nests this spring -- mostly due to the hassle from the Red Heads. First year I've seen that behavior from them. The wrens usually just get an ass-kicking and eventually abandon their efforts to occupy a box.

Good on you guys lookin' out for em in your areas and doing the cams. I'll get one going here sooner or later.
It's not lethal, when they enter the hole and land on on the trip wire, The metal flap rotates up and covers up the hole in the nesting box and they can't get out. We have to open the door to the bird box and get them out.