Dahua playback issues on NVR AND DMSS app


Jul 31, 2024
Hey guys,
New here!

I’ve installed 10 IPC dahua cameras and NVR model: DHI-NVR4216-16P-A|/ANZ-4T
Purchased from a reputable company so no overseas models (hopefully hahah)

I have it recording general 24:7 and works great however, having some playback issue.
For example: I playback a camera recording at 7:47, if there is motion detected (not always occurring with motion) it skips to the end of the hour so 7:59;59 exactly.

1. Clips are recorded in 1 hour files, so no sure if changing to file size will sort this.
2. Sometimes the issue occurs when the camera flicks to a different setting controlled by SSA or WDR not too sure.

I have set SMD on most cameras and IVS tripwires and intrusions, whichever doesn’t seem to make a difference still skips anyway.

would I need enable the yellow “motion detect” on recording plan? I was under the assumption this is just for standard motion detect. As the IVS has its own snippets saved and even those skips after 3s of playback so completely useless…

Any help would be awesome !!
1. Does in Storage -> Schedule You have selected Regular & Motion bars on all hours, all days in all cams?

Can You put screen shot of that screen here?

2. Dahua software is very sensitive to time differences between cameras and NVR.
This includes time, time zone and DST settings.

Any difference causes very strange jumps during playback.

Here is article in Polish (use some auto translator), which shows which settings should be set to solve this problem:

Hey Steve
Thanks for this info.
1. Schedule is only set to general/regular the green bar, I haven't set motion because I assumed it was only for the standard motion detection? I will try this out, but does it double recording size/take more space?
2. I will have a look into it requires an account made.

As for the time zones I have synchronised with the NTP built in which fixed all my time issues to be correct between all cameras and NVR

For some reason the only way to view without the skipping so through the "smartpss" dahua software which makes no sense how that works and not the direct playback on the NVR.

1. Schedule is only set to general/regular the green bar, I haven't set motion because I assumed it was only for the standard motion detection? I will try this out, but does it double recording size/take more space?

No, it will not.
It simply divides recordings into parts and properly mark them (normal, motion, inteligent etc)..

Mark motion on all hours/days on all camera Chanels.
It should help...
If not.. then the problem is with time synchronization..

NVR have options (specified in article) where NVR can every one hour, synchronize time and all time settings to all cams..
So ntp is used only on NVR, camera are synced by NVR (not ntp)..
Thanks for this Steve
I’ve turned the schedule 24/7 also for motion detection and intelligent for the IVS, will let it run for a day and update.

also, didn’t know about the ipc syncing off the NVR, makes sense though. The time sync interval setting was on 24h and now I set it to 1h, hopefully further fixes.
What and your encoding settings for the cameras? Send a screenshot.

Also have you tried making sure all cameras and the NVR have the latest firmware?

I have found that if you have the schedule enabled for motion and intelligent playback can jump around so just have record 24/7 continuous only. This issue seems to be when using account mode only.
I have found that if you have the schedule enabled for motion and intelligent playback can jump around so just have record 24/7 continuous only. This issue seems to be when using account mode only.

yeah I have noticed now there is some frame skipping and clip skipping but not as bad as before.

Are you saying to only schedule recording for general ?

I have attached a pic off of the smartpss app as I do not have access to the nvr now..


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Yes I have found that the IVS events skip when playing back when the schedule has intelligent enabled when using account mode. Issue does not occur when in local device model through the DMSS app.

Better to screenshot the encoding details from the web interface.