Dahua have varifocal 20-80mm 8MPx with 1/1.2" sensor!!!

Apr 11, 2020
Based on some thread here on forum where someone posted that You can buy European version of 7442-Z-X for 310 euro on Alibaba, I started look at other listings of that seller and I found most craziest bullet which Dahua even created:

this is TRIPLE sensor cam, where the main sensor is 8 Mpx 1/1.2" with tele zoom varifocal 20-80mm (horizontal FoW 27-9 degree) which starts at F1.1 for mega detailed zoomed view...

and then are two separate 4Mpx 1/1.8" sensors creating 180 degree overview cam, mounted in small rotatable module under main camera.

everything in one simple but very big (480x195x195) bullet chassis..
big minus only white lights...

for some crazy reason Dahua joined here dual sight camera with polar one (very big chassis with big heating system - max power usage with heating 45W!!!).

price is higher that 7442-x (880USD), but man this is crazy camera..

ps. there are also variants with 4+2x4mpx at 1/1.8" and 8+1x4mpx (without 180 degree) both mixed lights (ir + white)..

looks like 1/1.2" Sony sensor can't see IR and Dahua can do IR only for 1/1.8" sensors...
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DORI data shows that identify range is 30-100m (100-350ft)..
So this is almost PTZ area..

Dahua have X-Spans PTZ cams, which are using the same triple sensor (main PTZ + dual 180) architecture..

with DORI Identify up to 460m..
Also PTZ can auto-track person/vehicle - dual sight camera can't..

In most cases X-Spans or even normal PTZ is a better idea.. have much more flexibility.

But there is one exception - very low temperatures (like Arctic Circle) where PTZ can't work... to cold to motors / moving parts :)
I think this is way Dahua joined concept dual sigh cameras with polar one..

And this is way I never saw those models in normal Dahua price list in EU region :)
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One more thing:

Today it is a very specialized camera, which few people know about and few people need.

But it used to be the same with 180 degree cameras in past, which were available for a lot of money in the 8xxx line and no one used them.

Today HIK/Dahua simplified the design of 180 degree cameras and released them at affordable prices - they became a sales hit.

It could be the same with the bullet varifocal 5xxx Z4E concept (8-32mm) with an additional 2.8 or 3.6mm sensor for wide/overview angle as separate stream in one camera at the price level of the WizMind-S 5xxx line...
Sound ideal for a drievway camera. Zoom for the end of the driveway to get an immediate close facial capture, then over view to show what the person does on the property.. Very interesting sounding. I wonder what the close focus distance is on channel 1? It states 99 feet as the identification distance for wide. That seems a long way for 20mm. It also advertises "hyper dof". Would be interesting to know what the min close focus is.
Could always run AI on BI for channel 2 as I presume it will show up in BI as 2 cameras. if it's as good as it sounds, might even be worth living with a few close in false alerts if the rest of the camera performs well.
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I looked at this one and would have bought it but AI is only available on channel 1

yes, but this is older model based of Volt chipset/firmware (the same chipset as in original 5442 from 2019)...

I put link to newer ones - based on Faraday chipset/firmware, which supports AI on both channels..

Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 19.20.56.png
Sound ideal for a drievway camera. Zoom for the end of the driveway to get an immediate close facial capture, then over view to show what the person does on the property.. Very interesting sounding. I wonder what the close focus distance is on channel 1? It states 99 feet as the identification distance for wide. That seems a long way for 20mm. It also advertises "hyper dof". Would be interesting to know what the min close focus is.

That is exactly the location I am thinking of installing it. I think it will be ideal for me in that location. Here is a picture from the current camera, which is a Hikvision 4K 4mm camera. I need more magnification for the sidewalk and across the street.

08232024 Camera 5F.jpg
I looked into that camera a while ago but decided against it because it is HUGE. Also it requires external power(no POE)

Yes, I need more information on this camera such as the required power. It does have an RJ-45 connector, but I do not know if you can run the power through it. I run 23 gauge solid copper wire in my cable.
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I have noticed it's all visible light only unless I misread the specs when I glanced over them so that might be an issue with the 1/1.8's at night as it sounds as if you either need a lot of light or to run the built in led's permanently. no something I'd like to do for either running cost nor longevitity.

What amazes me with CCTV and I don't know if it's down to processing power or simply that maybe some of the chip manufacturer's don't want their best lines going to cctv cameras, is when you look at other devices such as mobile phones, there are now chips that seem to do really well day and night, have small lenses (being phones) yet still manage amazing picture quality and dof. Most recent iphone, Galaxy's etc seem to produce almost dslr like pictures from cameras that fit in mm thick phones, yet cctv cameras seem to remain large and with lower image quality. Obviously bit rate will be higher in phones, but even still, bits can't make up for everything. Why isn't the technology more universal? Also, if phones are a special use case, then why aren;t some of the slighly older DSLR chips making it to cctv? eg. Sony's renound A7 low light cameras. I think they're on mkiv now so why haven't the mark iii chips for exmaple made it into cctv? We're talking chips here that can literally see in the dark with a decent picture even at 500,000 ISO in some cases. I know with dslr chips, maybe large lenses are needed so that might be a cost factor, although with fancy zooms, casings and everything removed should be cheaper, but with phones, the lenses are the size of dimes.
What amazes me with CCTV and I don't know if it's down to processing power or simply that maybe some of the chip manufacturer's don't want their best lines going to cctv cameras, is when you look at other devices such as mobile phones, there are now chips that seem to do really well day and night, have small lenses (being phones) yet still manage amazing picture quality and dof. Most recent iphone, Galaxy's etc seem to produce almost dslr like pictures from cameras that fit in mm thick phones, yet cctv cameras seem to remain large and with lower image quality. Obviously bit rate will be higher in phones, but even still, bits can't make up for everything. Why isn't the technology more universal? Also, if phones are a

You comparing still photos from mobiles with video from cctv...
Mobiles in night modes do a long exposure times... or do many shots and combine them using AI...

try to film video using Your iPhone/Samsung at night at bad light conditions and then You will see difference.
5442-s3 is a killer here...

Premium cctv are using low MPX sensors - with much bigger pixels - which works much better in night conditions.
Also lenses in premium cctv are much better (varifocal - with optical zoom, changeable focus and sometimes even closing iris)..

But yes - there is one area where cctv cams are years behind of mobiles..

That ISP (Image Signal Processors) and heavy use of AI for image/video processing in mobiles..
All image/video progress done in mobiles in last 5 years are due heavy use of AI for processing.
Image sensors and lenses are almost the same as were 5 years ago..

Of course this AI-ISP processing requires a lot of GPU/NPU power which today SOCs in cams don't have.
CTV cams are using SOC (chipset with CPU/GPU/ISP/NPU) which are at level what iPhones/Samsung had 5 years ago at best (when You compare cam top models like Wizmind-X 7442-X) and 10 years ago at worst (when You compare lowest / cheapest cams)...

In case of mobiles high performing SOC with low power usage is main selling point. You have millions of apps which are using that. So Apple/Samsung/Qualcomm/TSMC invest billions USD into latest SOC designs and semiconductor manufacturing processes (like 3nm).

CCTV cams are using much cheaper SOC's produced in older processes (like 14nm). They are running only one app developed by HIK/Dahua. Here is also big problem with Chinese companies, which due USA restrictions don't have access to latest chip manufacturing processes.

special use case, then why aren;t some of the slighly older DSLR chips making it to cctv? eg. Sony's renound A7 low light cameras. I think they're on mkiv now so why haven't the mark iii chips for exmaple made it into cctv? We're talking chips here that can literally see in the dark with a decent picture even at 500,000 ISO in some cases. I know with dslr chips, maybe large lenses are needed so that might be a cost factor, although with fancy zooms, casings and everything removed should be cheaper, but with phones, the lenses are the size of dimes.

That's problem of larger sensors. They cost more - of course.
But they create problem with shallow depth of field - which is nice for photography but not for CCTV.
You can close iris in DSLR to minimize Bukeh effect - but this negates the point of a large sensor.
For now 1/1.8" is ideal size for cctv cams.. everything bigger - You start to have problems..

There are cams with bigger sensors. HIK/Dahua have Full Color 8mpx 1/1.2". There are some PTZ and those polar bullets with 1/1.2" and normal aperture.

Axis have a few bullets with 4/3" sensors.. Unifi protect have AI DSLR with 4/3" sensor and interchangeable lenses.
But those are niche products with very high price tag.
I asked for this camera to Andy last year, or so (was available before the 7xxxH-Z-X series), but he told me that was needed about 40 days, from the order...
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