Recent content by 10geezer

  1. 1

    out of focus

    videos will follow , wish there was a simple way to get them , nut your issue has already been incorporated as the lights come on 2 secs or more before person enters the frame !
  2. 1

    out of focus

    onboard leds wont be used as i have a 70watt floodlight on movement
  3. 1

    out of focus

    fully get that and will move towards the bespoke settings
  4. 1

    out of focus

    brf it is both the 5849 was the soft focus issue , now set to all the preferred settings and it seemed ok until it got to dusk then weird images , orange looking very poor then when i switched to auto it all improved including no rising bars on floodlight i dont want to waste your time so i...
  5. 1

    out of focus

    So just leave those four at default?
  6. 1

    out of focus

    what is preferred settings for stopping night time movement with the following or indeed daytime Iris Exposure Compensation 3D NR 3D NR Level 2D NR Level
  7. 1

    out of focus

    i "think" this only happened since i moved from a solo cam to a 2nd one. also of note , if i put the cams bespoke settings you all suggested early in favour of default, the problem goes ! thoughts ?
  8. 1

    out of focus

    is there some way of doing speeds to a variable /multiple of 5o to mitigate ? ie 50hz
  9. 1

    out of focus

    that should be just main recording f/t & sub not record at all , will amend , but more pressing problem , i am getting dark grey horizontal bars rising up the screen , which i thought could be resolved by changing exposure/antiflicker from outdoor to 5ohz , but that then removes shutter manual...
  10. 1

    out of focus

    ok part of this was that i needed to turn off human button , let me mess further with it , park this all for now
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    out of focus

  12. 1

    out of focus

  13. 1

    out of focus

    brf - ive got just green lines but it does record & retrieve people & vehicles ?
  14. 1

    out of focus

    i have it set so it just records everything full time , i can in nvr/screen just search for human & it goes green to blue vert lines where humans found. storage main stream set to auto
  15. 1

    out of focus

    so ive been past that but search didnt seem to find anything , got it so a days human events show but cannot get it to go to say 10pm on the bottom scale like normally does