Recent content by Bill Gates

  1. Bill Gates

    Help me understand the difference between Face Detection and Face Recognition

    Got it. So face detection would give you a snapshot of the face. I suppose that's okay, saves you some time instead of you making the snapshot yourself.
  2. Bill Gates

    Help me understand the difference between Face Detection and Face Recognition

    What's the difference then when you have person detection? What's the point of having face detection then if you can't really compare it to anything? I get it that face recognition can be super helpful, but I don't see the benefit of having face detection if it just alerts you there's a "face"...
  3. Bill Gates

    Help me understand the difference between Face Detection and Face Recognition

    Hello! I was looking at the specs of various cameras from Dahua and Hikvision. Many of them offer Face Detection, but I read somewhere that's more of a gimmick. Is Face Detection worth at all? What is the difference between face recognition? And are hikvision and dahua face recognition/detection...
  4. Bill Gates

    Best IR IP/PoE camera?

    Thanks for the information! What software is that? And I guess the sensor size applies both to IR and color night vision?
  5. Bill Gates

    Best IR IP/PoE camera?

  6. Bill Gates

    Best IR IP/PoE camera?

    Thanks for the link. Very informative! I'm guessing I could go with the 5442 for 4 MP. Is there any hikvision alternative for this camera? Asking this since Hikvision can be purchased more easily where I live and I also want to possibly compare both cameras. Is there any good IR camera that is...
  7. Bill Gates

    Best IR IP/PoE camera?

    Probably has been asked before many times, but had trouble finding the answer. What is the best infrared IP/PoE camera for night time use?
  8. Bill Gates

    They just tried to assassinate Trump

    no wonder why he missed then
  9. Bill Gates

    They just tried to assassinate Trump

    $10 says it was a .22 caliber
  10. Bill Gates

    Anyone with experience with the Yolink vibration sensor?

    Any app recommendations that do that?
  11. Bill Gates

    Are surveillance microphones a thing?

    My cameras have audio, they are good enough to catch gunshot sounds, car crashes and all those really loud sounds. But when people are talking it is pretty much just mumbling, diffficult to pick up what they are saying unless they are like 5 meters or less from the camera. So are surveillance...
  12. Bill Gates

    Anyone with experience with the Yolink vibration sensor?

    Yes, I can see the problem there. Would there be any other device alternatives for what I want to do?
  13. Bill Gates

    Best cheap hikvsion LPR camera?

    Thanks for the info
  14. Bill Gates

    Best cheap hikvsion LPR camera?

    Can the camera give me a phone notification if it detects a list of certain plate numbers? I'm looking for a camera that can do that. Either the camera itself or I guess the NVR could have that feature, whatever is the best/cheapest. Don't want to deal with Blue Iris stuff tho. I also can get...
  15. Bill Gates

    Anyone with experience with the Yolink vibration sensor?

    I already own a lot of yolink stuff. I'm looking to attach the yolink vibration sensor to my wife's car so I know when she is near home. Will this work at all?