Recent content by bp2008

  1. bp2008

    Playback skipping critical points

    If you have sub streams configured, try exporting the clip from the sub stream only and see if that will play properly. I know it isn't ideal but it might at least get you something if it works.
  2. bp2008

    Blue Iris and Windows 11 24H2?

    Hardware acceleration and nvidia have not been mentioned in patch notes since March 2020. I doubt updating Blue Iris would solve this. I'm with wittaj here and suggest just not using hardware acceleration anymore and use sub streams instead to keep CPU usage down. This will have the benefit...
  3. bp2008

    Trying to fix intermittent fault - question about nvidia drivers...

    Yup. It looks like you have a hot spot on your CPU with the wide temperature difference between cores. I am not sure how much of that is normal for Haswell parts (4000 series Intel) but with good cooling you should basically never see the peak temperature turn red like that without...
  4. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    Hah I was just trying to reply to the separate thread you had created, and then you deleted it. I think it is safe to rule out UI3 or any network as the cause of the problem, and you'll need to email Blue Iris support about it. Let me attempt to explain why. Not to confuse you, but every...
  5. bp2008

    Trying to fix intermittent fault - question about nvidia drivers...

    Check the CPU temperature before bothering with a new cooler. If it is below about 80°C then I doubt there is any reason to upgrade the cooling. Otherwise I'd just go with something like this In a 4U case you probably have 155mm of clearance to suit that...
  6. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    Oops @biggen I forgot the login page has the same global error catcher and needs updated too. I'll try to get that out this week along with the MQTT toast message feature.
  7. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    @looney2ns He probably edited his Blue Iris user account and limited its permissions. Maybe the Anonymous account if anonymous auth is enabled in the web server settings.
  8. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    That config looks fine for Dahua cameras too. If changing back to H.265 fixes the issue it might be worth just sticking with that. Otherwise it sounds like your support plan is actually active still so contacting Blue Iris support would be the next step I think..
  9. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    Look in Blue Iris's status window. It is the icon at the top that looks like a squiggly arrow pointing up and to the right. There you will find the "Log" tab and a checkbox at the bottom that lets it be saved to a file. Otherwise you just have the log messages since the last time Blue Iris...
  10. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    I like that idea, and yes of course that is possible. I've added this to my issue tracker: Add MQTT command to display a toast message · Issue #195 · bp2008/ui3 Can you think of any other features this should have besides what I wrote in the issue? I have not decided yet if I should try to...
  11. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    @biggen UI3-286 should suppress that error message now.
  12. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    That is UI3's global error handler catching an error in a script that does not belong to UI3. It could be a script injected by a browser extension or by the web browser itself. Either way, I have a mechanism in place in UI3 for ignoring specific error messages in situations just like this and...
  13. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    Everything looks fine there too. I was wondering if it might be Smart Codec or one of the other poorly supported encoding options but you aren't using anything that normally causes issues for Blue Iris. Here are a couple more ideas: 1. You could try removing the sub stream path from one of the...
  14. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    @CJ133 Can you take a screenshot of some of your cameras' encoding settings in their web interfaces? Where the main and sub stream resolution and bit rates and stuff is configured?
  15. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    Your Streaming 0 profile looks fine since UI3 is being allowed to override settings. All of UI3's default profiles override the resolution and bit rate so the 4K one should look basically pristine. For UI3, bandwidth issues will not cause low quality, it will just cause bad video delay. It...