Recent content by dinmasta

  1. dinmasta

    Shed corner camera that looks both sides?

    thank you......
  2. dinmasta

    Shed corner camera that looks both sides?

    thanks for the replies, sorry about not searching before posting. been looking and looking so i thought i would ask not thinking. Great answers, what if i said the shed was only 7-8ft high being mounted under the overhang of it so it would be in grabbing range for sure. would you still...
  3. dinmasta

    Shed corner camera that looks both sides?

    As the Subject says im looking for a solution being newer to security camera's. I want a IP dome camera, now not sure if a wide angle camera could do it or not but i want to attach it under the overhang of a shed, it sticks out of the corner and id like to face it toward the corner of the shed...