Recent content by elementalwindx

  1. E

    iVMS-4200 PCNVR v1.03.05.04 is there an upgrade?

    That page makes no sense to me. Looking at the dates the files are added and the version numbers, they make it sound like the lowest version is the newest software. It looks like everyone is having some sort of problem with the newest firmwares. Almost scares me into not wanting to upgrade. :/
  2. E

    iVMS-4200 PCNVR v1.03.05.04 is there an upgrade?

    I had a very hard time finding this version I have installed. Hikvision is VERY bad about documenting their software and providing current updates. I remember when I installed this system nearly 2 years ago now, I had to install like 5 different versions of this iVMS software and if I remember...