Recent content by Elton Noway

  1. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Just FYI... as you may know, this camera will display a black and white image when/if the available light source is insufficient and Nighttime vision IR mode is activated. Anyway, ever since upgrading my DB firmware to v3.0.0.3308_2407315183 (released 2024‑08‑19)... every morning, even after...
  2. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Yes... only I downloaded and installed the POE version, versus the WiFi link you referenced. Working fine... with no issues. Link to POE version> Reolink POE Firmware
  3. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Hey Doorbell Man... funny to hear I'm not the only one who picks up knick names associated with a pastime. Years ago I was a frequent contributor and part time moderator on a espresso coffee forum for many years (my wife and family frequently referred to me as Coffee Boy. Congrats on your...
  4. Elton Noway

    Door bell dilemma

    Just be aware Reolink only supports their doorbell when used with a Reolink NVR. The 4108HS-8P-4ks NVR you are considering has features like face detection, perimeter protection, IVS, people counting, heat map etc, which may or may work not work when used in conjunction with the Reolink DB. I'm...
  5. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Yep... I mentioned the same complaint last week. I shimmed mine and it doesn't look too bad, and I decided it's doubtful any visitor will notice. Unfortunately even adding a top to bottom 1/4" tilt I still see too much overhead for my liking. One option I played with is I can zoom in via my NVR...
  6. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ? FYI... when originally perusing 3D printed mounting plates I noticed in addition to ordering different angles (which is understandable) some designs also included varying degrees of able "tilt". I don't...
  7. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Good News (for me anyway)! Anyone following my video lag / delay problem first reported last week knows I've tried a lot of suggestions from other forum members. Yesterday in desperation I applied the most current firmware update (i.e. V2017) and the lag is gone! I wanted to wait 24 hours...
  8. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Afraid I can't be of much use. Like you I also do not subscribe to the cloud but its because I have a Lorex NVR. I also remote view my cameras on an Android phone but I do it via a Lorex app. That said, I don't believe what you are describing is Reolink Rich Notification per se... supposedly...
  9. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Wow... good catch... I "assumed" when bmcgin said the file was emailed to him by Reolink support... and since I saw W2017 in the link title... that it would be the same release / patches / bug fixes. I didn't notice his link was for the WiFi version but I didn't use it because I had I download...
  10. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Just for grins... (still trying to fix my video lag problem) I went ahead and installed firmware update V2017_POE. Went very smooth. No problems. Now waiting to see if one of their many bug fixes does the trick...
  11. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Good idea!... Thanks - Firmware versions and packages links now on page 1
  12. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Thanks David... I forgot about that one! As I recall V1572 was sent out by Reolink Support (when requested) and was to fix RTSP streams. As long as we're digging up firmware versions I figured Id try to net them all out here. If anyone knows of any versions or corrections I missed please let me...
  13. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Still no joy... :( Yes... the problem occurs when connected to my NVR. The lag does not present itself when connected to my network router via a POE injector. Once connected to the NVR the lag starts to accumulate over time. In the NVR settings I've changed the bitrate and FPS from ideal...
  14. Elton Noway

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    As mention in my last post, I knocked the FPS down to 18 and left a newly fomatted 2GB gb SD card in it. This morning the lag was still there, display video at least 20 seconds behind the action. Granted the 2GB card is pretty old so today I dug through my stash and found one of these so I stuck...