Recent content by EvanVanVan

  1. E

    Blue Iris UI3

    Lol yeah me neither, I haven't dug too deep but think I hit all the most likely causes. I also don't know when it first started happening because I haven't checked the cameras regularly in 6 months
  2. E

    Blue Iris UI3

    I'm having trouble getting ui3 to load on my remote computer via wireguard. I can ping the BI ip address via the tunnel successfully. It loads properly on my phone with the same wireguard tunnel. On the computer though, it just shows a blank page and spinning icon. It's same issue in Chrome...
  3. E

    Dahua day/night switch utility - DahuaSunriseSunset

    For anyone wondering in the future, I was able to get around this by putting the NVR into bridge mode and bringing the cameras directly on to my network. Fortunately, they are still isolated from the internet and rest of my LAN using a VLAN on my unifi network.
  4. E

    Dahua day/night switch utility - DahuaSunriseSunset

    I'm trying to use this utility with five T5442T-ZE connected to a new NVR (NVR8CH-8P-2AI). The NVR's ip is Clicking through the settings to Add a Device, I see the cameras on the NVR's internal LAN are have 10.1.1.X IPs, which I obviously I can't access. But, if you access them via...
  5. E

    Alternatives to Dahua (NVR) web plug-in?

    I feel weird installing Dahua's web plug-in on Windows (and idk if it's even available for Android Chrome) or using the DMSS app after attempting to keep the cameras off the internet. Are there any more reputable or open source alternatives? Thanks
  6. E

    S3 animal detection

    Hi, so reading through the entire thread it sounds like different people have success with different settings? A few questions? 1. AcuPick on or off? If off, only IVS on? 2. IVS sensitivity? Default 5 or something higher? 10? 3. Long Distance Mode on or off? If on**, it looks like the...
  7. E

    Doorbell camera with phone app and no subscription?

    I haven't gotten to this yet. I just started installing my Dahua cameras and Dahua NVR. I also ended up investing in an entire Unifi network which I think opens up some options with VLANs and network configurability. Now, I'm slightly less concerned about being able to block devices calling...
  8. E

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    @EMPIRETECANDY Can I get empiretech kit2 with black cameras?
  9. E

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    Ty, I'm assuming your prices are the same on your website vs emailing you directly? (How I've done it in the past)
  10. E

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    @EMPIRETECANDY Is the NVR8CH-8P-2AI compatible with the latest AI (specifically animal detection) features of the IPC-T54IR-ZE-S3 camera? Ty
  11. E

    Looking for an NVR to work with 5-6 cameras?

    Ty for the video, nice to get an idea of what to expect. Yeah, I'll probably try to think of something (VLAN, etc.). But I think I only ran a single cat 6 to my computer from this network closet making it unlikely I'll be able connect it to a 2nd (air gapped) NIC. I'll will always be concerned...
  12. E

    Looking for an NVR to work with 5-6 cameras?

    Interesting, I didn't even realize there was a local HDMI/mouse interface. Especially not one that would be different than the web UI. I was expecting to view everything over the network. I also didn't realize the NVR would include POE until reading the last few days either though... I'll...
  13. E

    Looking for an NVR to work with 5-6 cameras?

    So reading a little further, it does sound like my best bet is to stick with a Dahua NVR for compatibility with Dahua cameras. Am I going to hate the Dahua NVR UI/viewing capability? Any suggestions on a particular model NVR from Dahua?
  14. E

    Doorbell camera with phone app and no subscription?

    Thanks for all the suggestions.. I might be going with a Reolink. I ran cat6 for 5 security cameras while the house was under construction but didn't wire cat6 to the doorbell so I like that Reolink has a wifi option.
  15. E

    Looking for an NVR to work with 5-6 cameras?

    That would be a nice feature lol