Recent content by GeorgiaGuy

  1. G

    Newbie NAS question - Thanks in advance

    Ah - bingo! That did it! Thank you for being patient with me and specific. It is not apparent in the thread that one has to make adjustments within the services panel on the BI machine. Thank you again for being patient - you are TOPS...
  2. G

    Newbie NAS question - Thanks in advance

    Please forgive my ignorance, but where or how do I change the (localsystem account?) "log on as:" credentials? The windows login of my BI machine? On my NAS drive? Related to the BI service itself? I'm confused about where to what specifically - again sorry for the need to be very specific...
  3. G

    Newbie NAS question - Thanks in advance

    I have reviewed the thread you suggested - BI is still not transferring files to my NAS. I tried to manually copy a file from my BI computer to that NAS location and that worked fine, but BI will still not move files to my NAS. Previously, before I set up this BI NAS backup protocol, I was able...
  4. G

    Newbie NAS question - Thanks in advance

    Are you saying that the "user account" that I use in BI is the "named user account" that I must give rights to my NAS? Or that my windows login "user account" must have rights to my NAS?
  5. G

    Newbie NAS question - Thanks in advance

    Yes, as service.
  6. G

    Newbie NAS question - Thanks in advance

    I'm running windows 8.1, BI x64. I store cam clips successfully to "new" folder. My New folder is limited to 50G and has setting to move to "NAS_Storage" folder. NAS_Storage folder path is set as \\drobo-fs\Internal\Security_Cam_Recordings. Log shows MoveFile 5...