Recent content by jnissen

  1. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    The Plenum cable above is holding up well for me. No signs of degradation. 10G backbone between switch and control has been consistently stable. I have a second FO run for my gate. That line was a buried rated FO line that was run while I was installing a water line onto my property. That...
  2. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    I think I found the Unify Protect limit for ONVIF streams. The documentation says 8 feeds max. I tried to feed in 7 4K ONVIF streams. One of the cameras was a 180 degree twin lens type stream. That was a bridge too far! The system was constantly needing to be refreshed per camera. I backed it...
  3. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    Thanks and yes on a phone. My BI also tended to spike. I ended up turning off all camera based alerts and I did enable sub streaming. H264 base encoding. Code project AI is running to capture motion and a LPR dedicated camera as well. Now spikes briefly but nothing like before. Idles at...
  4. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    Scalable is a good word for the day! I am using BI along with the Ubiquity Dream Machine Pro SE. it’s got 8TB of backup. I don’t recall seeing this mentioned in any of the specs. How many cameras can the Unify system handle if they are generic 2K-4K ONVIF streams? I have roughly 18 cameras in...
  5. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    I see. Not sure if Unify will do that considering they now sell a dedicated AI box per line. I’ll continue to use Protect as a backup system for now as it does have some nice live view features,
  6. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    Sorry for posting to an old thread but I recently enabled several ONVIF streams on my Ubiquity DreamMachine SE with a hard drive. The cameras are recording continuous and I can see the feeds no problem. I was trying to get the ONVIF cameras to set triggers. Looks like that is not possible. Has...
  7. J

    IP4M-1098EW-AI PTZ shows Limited Resources - Failed to Play Video

    Resolved. I had local camera alerts writing to camera memory. Since I’m using Blue Iris and AI to now analyze the feed I turned off all the local writing to memory. I did a factory reset then turned off all the local writes. Seems to have fixed it as I can once again use the PTZ functions...
  8. J

    IP4M-1098EW-AI PTZ shows Limited Resources - Failed to Play Video

    I installed this PTZ a month or so back and initially the PTZ function would work fine. I do not have it on a preset pattern or anything and manually move it with Blue Iris controls. Lately the video fee is fine in Blue Iris but if I attempt to control the camera with the PTZ function in Blue...
  9. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Yes the gate hub goes out at the gate. If you have fiber with an Ethernet adapter your set out there. The hub buys you 3 spare POE ports. I already had an 8 port switch with SFP up at my gate already. The hub gives a few extra ports which isn’t a bad thing. Unify hub has an open/close input. See...
  10. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Funny I had purchased the GBF gate controller as well. I tried enabling it in Blue Iris and found the default ONVIF password was not a field they allowed to be edited. Sorry but that was a dealbreaker for me. Having Chinese server support was very iffy as well. Combined I removed that device...
  11. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Any update on this? I just enabled my gate controller this weekend and so glad that I have fiber up there. 1Gb connection to the gate is overkill but still nice as I have four cameras, WiFi hot spot and gate controller up there.
  12. J

    Modello Mexican tries to run me over

    I don't know that I would have hit his car with the flashlight! Lucky he didn't shoot you.
  13. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    I used a wire stripping tool I had already to score outer sheath and to dress each fiber down to the outer 125u sheath. It is for fine wires in electronics and it worked great. I used the tools from my previous post to strip and clean the fibers then cleaved the bare...
  14. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Half hitch works well for larger wires. I just doubled the pull string back and taped over it. I used about a 1/2 roll of 3M electrical tape to ensure it was well bonded to the pull string. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. J

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    The boxes may need to be removed to facilitate pulling/pushing cable. I used a similar pull string and didn’t require a separate pull rope. A more sturdy pull material would help. I pulled about 40-50 lbs worth and at times I was worried it may fail. Believe the rating on the poly string is a...