Recent content by morten67

  1. M

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    For the timing I'm just looking at the timestamps in the AITool-log. I have not yet received the Coral, so no tutorial yet. According to @powaypat It's just to point AITool at the PC running the Coral software (there are tutorials on how to get it running). Training would be for the Coral-model...
  2. M

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I believe the best is to clone the video stream you are recording now. That way Blue Iris will not use more CPU. You will have to test how low you can go down in jpg quality, and still get good detection. The lower the size (i.e. quality % of jpg), the faster the processing by deepstack. I have...
  3. M

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Thanks a lot. I've ordered the USB-accellerator. For some reason I could not get it delivered in France, where I live. Had to get it delivered to my father in Norway. It arrived yesterday, and he will mail it to me next week. Now I'm wondering if in the meantime I should spend the time and test...
  4. M

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Hello. If I understand your post correctly; you have changed AITool to use (send image to) the Coral USB accelerator instead of Deepstack? If that's the case, could you please describe how you did? Thanks in advance.
  5. M

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Same here. I managed to run the GPU for a couple of minutes on an i7 / nvidia /Ubuntu 20.04. Processing time around 2-300 ms. On the same machine, the windows version is around 750ms.
  6. M

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Another thing that seems to be working to improve responstime from Deepstack is masking out zones that you don't want triggered: To the right the camera has no mask. The log for that camera: First of all: AITool is checking the same jpg twice, with different result (!). I also see that...
  7. M

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Last night I changed my iaxxxxxx cameras to save a jpg every second, and to reset the trigger after 3 seconds. My theory was that if deepstack got several pictures of each trigger, there was a higher chance that it got at least 1 right. That kinda worked out as I hoped. I had a walk around the...
  8. M

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Interresting. So I have been wrong to outright dismiss the installation when there was no field to enter API-key. I believe I'll give it another try on my i7, starting with the cpu-container. I have already tried several times, but maybe I should let it run for some time before I dismiss it. For...
  9. M

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Yes, you might be right about the Celeron. Thanks for your input. I know for a fact that the i7 has it, and I'm pretty sure the i5 has it. The Celeron (running noavx) takes roughly 6 seconds for each image, but can not hang on for long if there are more than 4-5 images in the queue. Right now...
  10. M

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Hello everyone. I have read through all the posts, and have tested out various installation methods, on various computers. I have gotten AITool to work with deepstack and Blue Iris. HUGE thanks to GentlePumpkin. I have tested linux on the following systems: 1. Intel Celeron J3455 quad-core...
  11. M

    Blue Iris lousy support

    Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to be patient. The part that goes "If you dont like it use another software package" is not very helpful though... I did not expect immediate support, I expected some kind of sign of life after 11 days.
  12. M

    Blue Iris lousy support

    Signs that a product is selling very good is when existing clients are ignored. I wrote an email to asking for support on MQTT, something not covered in the "Manual". Having received no answer (not even an acknowledgement that the mail had been received), I sent...
  13. M

    No MQTT topic upon profile change?

    How did you manage to change profile by sending MQTT? Im trying to do the same from Openhab (works ok with http, by not with MQTT). I'm sending: mqttActions.publishMQTT("BlueIris/admin", '[{"profile": "1","user": "xxxxxxx","pw": "xxxxxxxxx"}]'), which I believ is the MQTT-way of sending...