Recent content by observant1

  1. observant1

    Vigilant Solutions VSR-60-02MP1 IP Camera IPC262ER9-X10DU 24V, 1.5A, 50/60Hz.

    I had a ton of tng files that i didn't try to open. So not being very computer literate im ok with this camera. It seems to be all good. And thanks for your help! so the region code IN for India ? Thats pretty close to China...I think. :)
  2. observant1

    Vigilant Solutions VSR-60-02MP1 IP Camera IPC262ER9-X10DU 24V, 1.5A, 50/60Hz.

    I tried to get some info from this camera. I do believe it's never been used. I also tried to post a part of some ifo. it's nothing like you showed me.....o well i think it's worth the time it took to obtain it. SOFT_NAME:VSR-60-02MP1 12-31 18:45:53 048[drv_common.c-573]from 1 to 1 12-31...
  3. observant1

    Vigilant Solutions VSR-60-02MP1 IP Camera IPC262ER9-X10DU 24V, 1.5A, 50/60Hz.

    Sharpshooter 4.0 - damn is 1400.00 the correct amount? Thats crazy. I upgraded a lorex nvr with instructions from this site. It now says Dahua with the 4.0 system 380 mgbt and 2 AI channels. I just wish it had 16 instead of 8 channels. I also have an 8 channel uniview nvr and BI on a...
  4. observant1

    Vigilant Solutions VSR-60-02MP1 IP Camera IPC262ER9-X10DU 24V, 1.5A, 50/60Hz.

    My gui is a bit different. (maybe) I do have tripwire, intrusion, Face, people counting and all the smart shit. I'm in the middle of it but it looks like the camera has been in use for 16min. All me. Original box with all the goodies, never opened. But i havent pulled up the stat sheet you...
  5. observant1

    Vigilant Solutions VSR-60-02MP1 IP Camera IPC262ER9-X10DU 24V, 1.5A, 50/60Hz.

    Yep, you are correct. At 2mp the sensor is good. When i get home im gona get back into the gui. ....and maybe i missed the part with tripwire and stuff ....I do appreciate your help and I'm gonnna point this at the perfect place to get plate captures.
  6. observant1

    Dahua IPC-HDBW4433R-ZS 4MP 2.8mm-12mm varifocal IR Dome any good?

    I bought one of these a few years ago. "Dahua IPC-HDBW4433R-ZS" Never used it. It does have pretty fair AI firmware. It seemed English...but i don't know.
  7. observant1

    Vigilant Solutions VSR-60-02MP1 IP Camera IPC262ER9-X10DU 24V, 1.5A, 50/60Hz.

    Thanks. I went into the GUI but just for a secound or two. I think this cam is from 2016. It looks like it's never been installd or used but I'll check that info. I wish it had AI in the firmware but I think i can use it for LP capture at the top of my cul-de-sac. Gonna use your info to check...
  8. observant1

    Vigilant Solutions VSR-60-02MP1 IP Camera IPC262ER9-X10DU 24V, 1.5A, 50/60Hz.

    Not a lrp or anrp. Just a varifocal cam.
  9. observant1

    Vigilant Solutions VSR-60-02MP1 IP Camera IPC262ER9-X10DU 24V, 1.5A, 50/60Hz.

    I found one just like it on ebay for 30.00
  10. observant1

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Oldie but a goodie
  11. observant1

    out of focus

    I replaced 4 cameras for a lady that had issues with poor quality picture. The cams were Dahua 8mp and should look super great at default during the day with good lighting. The installer shoud have sent them back. I installed the 4mp 1/1.8 cams because she likes to see deer and animals at...
  12. observant1

    Vigilant Solutions VSR-60-02MP1 IP Camera IPC262ER9-X10DU 24V, 1.5A, 50/60Hz.

    I've got a feeling it "could be used as an lpr/anpr cam with the proper software, like BI code project? but.....may end up in my pile of cameras in the basement.
  13. observant1

    Vigilant Solutions VSR-60-02MP1 IP Camera IPC262ER9-X10DU 24V, 1.5A, 50/60Hz.

    Anybody have any experience with one of these cams? I think Avigilon makes it? / motorola maybe? I have a friend that has one unopened he's willing to trade me for a couple hrs work. I'm gonna do it but seem to find very little info on this camera. He said it's an inexpensive model LPR i...