Recent content by pschmehl

  1. pschmehl

    SoftEther VPN Server

    My first post in this forum - - discussed my need to find a vpn router. My needs are very simple. I am the only user. I need to connect remotely to view and manage one security cam. When I connect, no one will be using the...
  2. pschmehl

    Can't hardwire, what's the best WiFi cam w/ local streaming?

    Have you ever thought about what it means to say you saved enough money to buy a house by not installing a video surveillance system? Yikes!
  3. pschmehl

    Most stable solution for wireless feed?

    I confess, I don't understand the hostility. I suggested an alternative way to get good wireless connections at low cost (because you mentioned low budget) and save you $50 per camera, and you mention Sricam (which I never brought up)? I apologize for trying to help.
  4. pschmehl

    Most stable solution for wireless feed?

    For example, these - can be screwed into the camera to replace the antenna that comes with the camera, at a cost of $20 per camera. So can these - He said he had a...
  5. pschmehl

    2032 PoE Setup Question - Please help

    I would use junction boxes so the wires aren't dangling, but yes, you plug in the ethernet cable to the camera and to your PoE switch, and you're done.
  6. pschmehl

    Most stable solution for wireless feed?

    We used to use tennis ball cans as directional antennas to pick up wireless networks from quite some distance. I would think it would be easier and cheaper to get directional antennas than it would be to get a directional access point.
  7. pschmehl

    2032 PoE Setup Question - Please help They are 802.3af compliant, so they should work fine with PoE.
  8. pschmehl

    Planning : ALPR

    What happened to your rock camera? You moved it to the birdhouse?
  9. pschmehl

    Need more advice

    I think I may have answered my own questions here - They don't have the 6mm version of the CMIP3042W, but they do have the 4mm version. Plugging in the numbers there, it looks like I'll have no problem reading plates during the daytime and adequate capture at night...
  10. pschmehl

    How does a PoE/12 V camera work?

    I can't seem to find the answer to this anywhere. Some cameras have both a PoE connector and a 12 V connector. From my reading, it appears that most PoE switches/injectors provide 48 V. So, how do these cameras work when using PoE? Do they step down the voltage to 12 V? Do they use an...
  11. pschmehl

    Need more advice

    I'm still thinking through what I want to do with the garage cam project. My original thinking was that I might catch evidence that would help capture bad guys who drove through our neighborhood or walked around trying car doors. I have a unique advantage, because my house sits beside the...
  12. pschmehl

    Question about PoE switches

    Ouch! That was an expensive lightening strike. Thanks for the advice on the switch. I had pretty much decided to go that way since I like to couple parts from the same manufacturer whenever possible. It makes dealing with warranty issues easier and it's more likely that the parts will work...
  13. pschmehl

    Are all POE injectors the same?

    Read this: Your camera specs will tell you what voltage it requires over PoE.
  14. pschmehl

    Advice: Built-in POE vs. Switch

    I had the same idea - to put the PoE switch in the attic - until I thought about it. There is a reason professionals put electronic equipment in rooms with massive coolers. Electronic equipment suffers from shortened life when subjected to temperature higher than 80 degrees (about 27C) for...
  15. pschmehl

    Question about PoE switches

    No one has any advice or comments for me?