Recent content by Rick Rick

  1. Rick Rick

    Good indoor camera with wide 180 degree angle

    No am talking about the following (which is small)
  2. Rick Rick

    Good indoor camera with wide 180 degree angle

    Thanks. But I found that amcrest makes a 8k 180 degree camera also. Do you think the EmpireTech is better?
  3. Rick Rick

    Good indoor camera with wide 180 degree angle

    Does anyone know what is a good indoor camera with 180 degree viewing angle that works with BI?
  4. Rick Rick

    Fatal Error when start up

    Yes. Since my BI would no longer run, they provided a link to a newer version that had a fix ( )
  5. Rick Rick

    Fatal Error when start up

    Thanks for the info. They finally did provide a fix.
  6. Rick Rick

    Fatal Error when start up

    I sent them a request earlier in the week. The post to this forum was done after a number of days of no answer. My BI was down for several days. They did provide a fix.
  7. Rick Rick

    Fatal Error when start up

    I am getting a fatal error from BI when I try to start it up. It then aborts. I have sent this to BI support but they have not responded at all. Hmm where is their support? Anyone have an idea what I should do?
  8. Rick Rick

    Substitutes for port forwarding

    Right. Just dont try and use the wireless 4K boxes if you use your own modem
  9. Rick Rick

    Substitutes for port forwarding

    Here are the issues with comcast and another modem. Comcasts modem does not really allow port forwarding. However if you put it in bridge mode then your router can do port forwading. But then if your modem is in bridge mode the 4K boxes will not work becuase comcast makes them so they only work...
  10. Rick Rick

    Substitutes for port forwarding

    Tell me about it. Comcast will not work with Netgear or anyone else to get there modems listed as acceptable to use with comcast. Even though these products have all they need to support Comcast. ( I talked with Netgear) Also their 4K wireless boxes will not work with any other modems because...
  11. Rick Rick

    Substitutes for port forwarding

    Yes I put my former modem in bridge mode to do that. I can not be sure that what I am saying is totally correct because getting to talk to anyone at comcast who knows anything technical is really difficult and frustrating . I spent a lot of time with them .
  12. Rick Rick

    Substitutes for port forwarding

    I mean you have to have the system directly connected to the modem to do port forwarding for that system.
  13. Rick Rick

    Substitutes for port forwarding

    The latests The latest router requires that the system be connected directly to the modem. Only one sytem can be connected to the mmodem so you can not have a router and a PC connected directly. So if I want only one PC in my house it may work...hmmm
  14. Rick Rick

    Substitutes for port forwarding

    Thanks . DOes anyone know if zerotier will work with the latest comcast modems that do no support port forwarding?
  15. Rick Rick

    Substitutes for port forwarding

    Let me ask: Of all the solutions we discussed here which is the easiest to set up and is free?