Recent content by titanmanus

  1. T

    Custom Firmware Downgrader 5.3.0 Chinese to 5.2.5 English

    Hi Tamas, I did similar thing one year ago with my DS-2cd2132 and I tought I bricked. Finally I saved it, and I'm not an expert but I saved some link, that maybe can help you. This was the solution one: Hikvision DS-2CD2132-I reset button? and How to hack 5.1.2 firmware on China region cameras...
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    Hikvision Removable NAS

    Yes. The specs: here. So if I want to use Synolgy's Surveillance Station software than I'll get 5 licenses from them (2 for free) and I'll face some fps/resolution limits. But is there any way to use it as a simple storage medium and just save the footage without limitations? If yes then what...
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    Hikvision Removable NAS

    Hi, I want to buy a NAS to my Ds2CD2132. I though Synology DS115j will be good after reading this I got confused. It says: "For example, if you use the DS115j with IP cameras, it only captures at 20fps at 1080p resolution." Is it true? Or can you suggest good budget NAS? tnx
  4. T question(s)

    Hi, I couldn't find any information about it so I started a new topic. Sorry if I just missed the right topic. I had a 2132 and I set the DDNS last autumn on This site has been terminated and my cam worked very well with, but I never visited...
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    Languace mismatch

    Hi beppe50, I did the same. You need to TFTP back a firmware with original language. ( If you bought it from ebay/China/Hongkong then you need a chinese firmware. If it was originally us then you need an us firmware. Or you can hack it...
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    Custom Firmware Downgrader 5.3.0 Chinese to 5.2.5 English

    thank you @whoslooking :) Saved my day/cam! I had a 2132 with chinese 5.2.0. Several months ago I made it to English based on some youtube video. Then silly me I tried to upgrade to 5.3.0, lang error was the result. In last 2-3 days I just tried everything even blackmagic too. :) Finnaly this is...
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    Hikvision 2XXX English (multi language) 5.2 firmware - need way to modify it

    Hi @lingnau, I tftp-ed this dav file but my cam still chinese only. :( (DS2CD2132-I) Wondering why this dav file behaves different. anyway, tnx for replying :)
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    Hikvision 2XXX English (multi language) 5.2 firmware - need way to modify it

    @lingnau , @soupratt thank you both. It seems that is what I exactly need, also have a DS2CD2132-I. I had also 5.2 multilang, then tried to upgrade to 5.3 but failed with language mismatch. Then TFTP-ed back to 5.20 but this is fully Chinese. Lingnau did you used TFTP to upgrade to this...
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    Hikvision DS-2CD2132-I reset button?

    Thank you for the reply! I spent almost 2 hours of reading this forum and also found official Hikvision TFTP pdf. I successfully TFTP-ed the 5.20 and brought back the cam to life, but it's fully Chinese. When I bough it 8 months ago it was fully Chinese but after some easy step (based on youtube...
  10. T

    Hikvision DS-2CD2132-I reset button?

    Hi, Could you please tell me how to reset the cam? I couldn't find any good tutorial how to use TFTP. I have a 2CD2132-I camera and it had a 5.2.0 firmware. I downloaded the new version 5.3 ( and made the update, the update was successful but after restart it says...