Recent content by wopi82

  1. wopi82

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-HDW5849H-ASE-LED / IPC-Color4K-T - 2.8mm Turret

    Issue 6 seems to be a matter of bad camera focusing. Your 4K-X looks like it is soft at infinity. The 4K-T looks fine.
  2. wopi82

    Dahua 4K for low light night vision

    4K-X is at this moment the best on the market. Read the review of it here:
  3. wopi82

    Dahua Color 4K-X in-depth review

    @CCTVCam Extra tests? I haven't added anything else since publishing this review. I've expressed myself wrong. I don't think the 4K-X was the worst on COLOR out of all three cams, but it was definitely not the best one. Yes, the sentence "To me the 4K-X wins in all modes." shouldn't be there...
  4. wopi82

    Dahua Color 4K-X in-depth review

    @CCTVCam You are right. I did it because I compared these camera as a whole, not just sensors itself. Thus all parameters matter. Resolution also. If this was only sensor comparison, I would have to omit for example lens brightness. The fact that 4K-X is better at night than 5442 and 4239...
  5. wopi82

    Dahua Color 4K-X in-depth review

    Hi everyone, today I present you a review of recently announced Dahua Color 4K-X camera. This is a 4K resolution model with ultra bright f1.0 lens and huge 1/1.2” sensor. The combination of bright lens and such big CMOS, promises excellent image quality both in broad daylight as well as at...
  6. wopi82

    Dahua T5442T-ZE in-depth review

    Hi guys, Today I present you a review of Dahua T5442T-ZE. This model is equipped with 2.7-12mm zoom lens and an excellent 4 megapixel 1/1.8 inch CMOS sensor. Compared to 5442TM-AS-LED and 5442TM-AS models, which I’ve already reviewed, this one has twice as much RAM available. The housing is...
  7. wopi82

    Review of Dahua NVR5208-8P-4KS2E + Dahua HFW7842H-Z cooperation

    I hate to hear my recorded voice. And my spoken language really sucks. Just turn down the volume if you can't stand it ;)
  8. wopi82

    Anyone interested in reviews of other brands?

    @john-ipvm Sure I've seen them. Otherwise I wouldn't dare to give an opinion. You've got plenty of tests and reviews, but to me these are superficial. The thing is, you never go beyond your procedure. It's always... this camera is behaving like this in our hall test, and like this in our another...
  9. wopi82

    Anyone interested in reviews of other brands?

    Hi everyone. It's over 3 years I've joined this forum. During this time I had a chance to learn a lot from other users experience, as well as share some of my knowledge. My reviews of Dahua cameras, gained great interest from all of you. Common Issues Guide also had a lot of positive feedback as...
  10. wopi82

    Common issues with camera image

    Exactly :) Shutter Priority and Manual mode will work the same, only Manual gives you an opportunity to restrict gain scale.
  11. wopi82

    Dahua T5442TM-AS quick review

    It's a video file (done in After Effects) converted to GIF file in Photoshop.
  12. wopi82

    Multiple camera low light test

    @Riclyo I think this is kind of self explanatory :) Your eyes work the same way. The less light you have, the less detail and color you see. At very low light levels you can only distinguish shapes and no color (due to human eye structure, first you lose ability to distinguish color)...
  13. wopi82

    Common issues with camera image

    @wittaj It's exposure time (shutter) expressed in milliseconds instead of fractions of a second. One second is 1000 milliseconds (ms). And so 0.5 of a second is 500ms, 1/100s is 10ms, 1/1000s is 1ms and so on. If I set shutter parameter to a fixed value like 40ms, the camera will only use a...
  14. wopi82

    Dahua IPC-T5442TM-AS-LED review

    @Scale Price is not a good determinant of camera's capabilities. Just read this quick review: Dahua T5442TM-AS quick review
  15. wopi82

    Dahua IPC-T5442TM-AS-LED review

    @Scale If you really need white light LED, take this one. Otherwise I would definitely choose TM-AS model with ICR. My latest Low light test compares exactly the two sensors you are considering. 5442 is clearly better.