Hello from Croatia (Europe)


Getting the hang of it
Feb 22, 2019
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Thought of introducing myself as I'm a new member of this forum.
First of all, thank you to each and every one of you for sharing your knowledge and experience.
I've just found out about this site 10 days ago, and it's most valuable resource of knowledge and advice.

I will try to setup 4-5 outdoor cams setup, and maybe one indoor.
I have meddled with few older android mobile phones / IP Webcam combo for 2 years, as a means of watching over my dog, at first when she was indoor during winter and recovering from surgery and I had to come up with some quick solution of watching over her while she was recovering.

Fiancee and I have moved to rural area a few years ago into this small house with small yard.
Now I want more serious surveillance covering my courtyard.
Especially after I had trouble with irresponsible neighbour and his livestock (pigs) that he keeps loose in his backyard. They have broken the fence a few times, and invaded my yard and I'm mostly concerned for my dog. His chickens are daily flying over the fence and destroying my lawn.
I asked him politely multiple times to take better care of his animals and not let them come over an destroy the lawn and threaten my dog (pigs).
He promised he will take care of it, but one time he told me to just get used to it, and when I replied that wasn't the way and that he should come and take his pigs from my yard and secure them, he got angry and aggressive. So I told him I had no choice but to call the police, and he didn't care or he bluffed and wouldn't come for his pigs. So I started filming his pigs in my yard as evidence with my mobile phone and he just came through the damaged fence and physically threatened me but stopped few yards from me because I just stood my ground saying nothing and kept filming. I don't know if he bluffed and changed his mind when I calmly stood my ground or what, but I'd rather it doesn't come to violence because of my fiancee and my dog. I can't let them down. Legal system here is so corrupt that If I hurt him while attacking me on my property that I would probably end up in jail doing time and my drinking, public welfare dependent scum of a neighbour would probably be let go off the same day.

Anyway after that I had no choice and called the police, else I would become his little bitch.
When the police arrived, they advised me not to press charges as our legal system is pretty corrupt and doesn't really solve these kinds of issues. They told me that my neighbour is a problematic person that has been reported many times to no solution whatsoever. They watched my mobile phone recording and went over to neighbour and threatened him with some fines/tickets. So he got somewhat scared of that and promised the police not to pull that kind of mad stunts again. Except that I don't believe him.

It was peaceful for some time but lately his animals started crossing over again, mainly chickens. I informed his wife as she was in the yard at that time, and overheard her later telling it her husband to which he responded he didn't care and that he wouldn't anything about it. So the same stuff again. Back to being his bitch unless I do something about it I think he is some kind of bastard psychopath and bully, and maybe a coward too. I hope a few cameras may be useful deterrent to him and the like. I don't want to call the police again because I think he may poison my dog in turn or kill her while I'm at work. I even considered roughing him up or something, but I cannot let my fiancee to suffer the consequences if I end up in jail or something....
So maybe some of you have had similar experiences, and I was wondering if anybody had any recommendations for handling these kinds of situations.
It seems to me that I have much to loose, he can hurt my fiancee or my dog when I'm not around and he's a lowlife that doesn't really care for anybody or anything, so I have no leverage or threat to make.

I'm reading trough the threads here and absorbing knowledge about surveillance systems, and plan to build my own by the end of the year. At first I would set up POE switch and a one PTZ and one static IP camera (hopefully Starlight) covering the most important parts of yard and doors due to constricted budget, and later I would add 3 or more cameras to cover addtional space. I havent'yet decided on NVR vs BI...but I still have time for that. I'm somewhat proficient with networking, enough to know how to build my own VPN server (already have on router), so that shouldn't be an issue. I've also thought of setting up cameras to store a day or two worth of recording to my NAS.
I own 1 Amcrest ProHD (1080p) IP indooor camera, with built in microphone and speaker. It's rebranded Dahua and I'm very satisfied with it. I've had it for 6 months, and I use it to watch over my dog while away for work. Moved it from indoor during the winter to under the roof of the porch now for spring because it's not water resistant. Software is basically rebranded Smart PSS from Dahua, and bacause of my positive experience with it and many recommendations on this site I'm inclined to choose Dahua for my surveillance setup.
This Amcrest camera even works with Dahua's Smart PSS desktop software and mobile DSS without any trouble.
When I buy additional Dahua cams for outdoor, I would probably move this Amcrest camera back to my living room again, especially during the wet/cold seasons for winter indoor watching over my dog.

I think Andy is my best bet for ordering affordable yet great cameras, but it'll have to wait till end of the year.

So... really sorry for such a long introduction. And please, feel free to offer some friendly advice If anyone feels like it. I'd appreciate it if someone has any kind of advice in dealing with these kinds of awkward and potentially dangerous situations. Once again, I'm not that concerned for myself but for my fiancee and dog when I'm not around, I'm not a small and flimsy guy and doesn't scare easily, but I'd rather not resort to violence cause It usually leads to more violence and is not a solution in itself. I have no previous experience with something like this and have to carefully think it through and find the solution that would minimise the threat / potential harm for my family.

Thank you
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Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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New York
@Maat welcome to :ipct: and thanks for that colorful introduction. Sounds like you are in a tough spot with your neighbor and if the police are telling you not to press charges because of how corrupt the system is then I can only imagine. You are on the right track and it sounds like you did your reading. You can't go wrong with a couple of starlight cameras and should probably keep the camera you have inside and get a few for outside. Whether you do BI or NVR is up to you, either will work with Starlight cameras. Most people here would say BI over any NVR, myself included.


Getting the hang of it
Feb 22, 2019
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Thank you, both of you, for warm welcome and for suggestions.
@Mike BI looks promising, but at first I think I'll set recording to NAS, as I already own it, and plan to watch camera feeds via Dahua Smart PSS, remotely through VPN. We're on a very tight budget, and there are million things we have to renovate and sort out, so although not expensive, BI will have to wait a bit and we'll use things we already have, like NAS.

@looney2ns The fence is my neighbours, it's on border between properties, and it's in really bad shape. You are completely right about new fence. We've already done some minor repairs and added some new stretch wire fence to it at our own cost, but we do plan to build a concrete or maybe brick wall, whichever costs less, as high as it's allowed by law. But the stretch is about 30m long, so it's significant cost to us, one we cannot afford right now. We hope we'll manage to do it in the next few years, but there are so many things we have to renovate/buy that we have to carefully prioritize. But it is one of our biggest needs and concerns and hopefully we won't have to wait too long to build it. Except, that every day without the solid wall between us feels like an eternity...but we'll get there.
I've already started reading Cliff Notes, excellent stuff, I'm really grateful for the combined effort and time people took to write it.


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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Hello, welcome to the forum. Hopefully things will get better in your life. I have had bad neighbors before and I know how miserable they can make your life.


Known around here
Nov 14, 2017
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Southern NJ

Sorry to hear about things like this. Idiots that ruin others peace and tranquility. If you were closer, I'd give you a roll of meter, plus, high horse fence I have hanging around. Your situation being complicated by a lack of local law enforcement support makes it very frustrating. I'm more of a "direct action" type and would just start catching those chickens and either enjoy chicken dinner or use their eggs, assuming they're hens. There's another solution, but that involves the pigs gaining weight, lead. I think if your neighbor starts losing some of his livestock, he might change his attitude, but proceed with caution.


Getting the hang of it
Feb 22, 2019
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Thank you! That's very nice of you.
The thought of catching and cooking his chicken has crossed my mind multiple times. But I won't do it, because it's only chicken for him, and he can just wait for me to leave for work and then hurt/kill/poison my dog. And it's not worth it, I couldn't stand to lose my loving dog or risk my neighbour attacking my fiancee while I'm not around. If it were only me I'd probably give him hell real quick, but I can't protect them at all times. He's unemployed and always there and I'm not. I have to think of something better, that wont endanger them. It is possible that he would take better care of his animals and maybe cut their feathers short etc. if he lost some of them but the risk for me is to great. I won't trade fiancee and dog for his chicken and pigs. Right now solid wall and multiple cameras seem to me as a deterrent and some measure of peace. At least I hope it will work towards it.
Also heard a gossip that he was driven away from he previous place he lived at, by angry neighbours that formed a gang, armed themselves and threatened his life and his family. I don't know if it's true, but it might be. When people have had enough. He is not bothering only us here, likeable and nice person that he is multiple neighbours have been muttering against him, police constantly paying him visits without any effect, he has been seen late in the night roaming around other peoples crops so maybe something similar happens again...hopefully.
Feels surreal, like stuff from Clint Eastwood movies, lol


Getting the hang of it
Feb 22, 2019
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Thank you.
Something similar, but older and not in great shape was already there. Few of his pigs are gigantic and strong and dug partially under it until they got enough leverage to push under and through. We've reinforced it, but I don'think it is enough longterm. He doesn't feed them enough or maybe they are just hungry for more. His yard is like a wasteland and junkyard combined into one. Only dirt, no grass, animals and various discarded junk. And his animals look through the fence and see green grass, walnuts and some apples at our place. No wonder it attracts them.

I'm afraid his pigs would probably be able to dig under the fence you posted too. After I called the police he locks pigs in some kind of pen in the back. But there is a possibility they may break out of it too.

Thank you very much for suggestion.
We've reinforced the fence somewhat, but will have to put something better and long term definitely.


Getting the hang of it
Feb 22, 2019
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Thank you again, that's great idea.
I'd have to teach the dog not to touch it though. I'd rather she didn't find out the hard way.


Known around here
Nov 14, 2017
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Southern NJ
Start with it at a lower setting until your dog knows to stay away, then up it to "max" for the porkers. Dogs are quick learners and she' may get zapped once or twice before she figures it out but it shouldn't be too bad for her. Even that may not deter them, the porkers, though. They are particularly stubborn and don't seem to be a bothered by electric fences, generally speaking. On the other hand, a cattle prod might work, but get one with a long(!) handle.


Getting the hang of it
Feb 22, 2019
Reaction score
Thank you again, great advice. I have no previous experience with that kind of equipment. The cattle prod sounds promising, but I'm increasingly tempted to use it on the neighbour now :D Somehow missing the animal pig and by miraculous 'coincidence' hitting the human one.