Noob with ocean view needs advice...


Young grasshopper
May 10, 2019
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First post after months of "lurking" and learning.... :)

I am in the process of building a security camera system for a newly remodeled house. I have Cat6 run to strategic locations on the outside of the house and this forum has been a wealth of information.

But there is one camera location that is giving me "trouble". I have a panoramic ocean view that I would like to stream when I am out of town (and to make my office mates jealous). A complete 180 degree view, but the ocean is about a mile away. The camera location serves no security purpose other than keep me calm at work knowing I am coming home to this wonderful view.

Some requirements:
* good optics resulting in good picture quality.
* Multifocal so I can "zoom" into a smaller area (but I don't know if that is correct).
* I would like to zoom in on some surfers (about a mile away) - don't know if that's possible
* Don't need IR
* Don't need microphone
* Night color would be nice to have, but since it's dark out why spend extra just to see the cars on the highway.
* It will be mounted facing due west so it will get direct afternoon sun and the camera(s) has to able to handle that and still give stellar sunset shots.

I have considered:
* A PTZ camera up with an optical zoom, but after reading here this does not seem like a good idea and I also don't want to freak out the neighbors with panning around to decks, etc.
* A eyeball camera since bullets tend to attract spiders and like, but since not used for security may not be a big deal.
* Leaning toward Dahua, but don't know which camera would be a good fit.
* The Dahua 180 degree panoramic cameras look cool, but I don't think I can zoom into a specific area using these cameras and they are very expensive.
* Splitting the view up into two ~90 cameras - but it would be cool to stitch them together...

What camera or cameras would fit the bill in this situation?


PS - The house security system will be running BlueIris and I'll have about 6 cameras outside so the total system should be under 10 cameras in total.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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HI Dan

I would look at getting a nice PTZ that can do at least 30 fps at the max resolution of the camera ( I would consider a 1080P starlight first as that will give you some nice low light options during sunrise / sunset )


IPCT Vendor
Nov 8, 2016
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* A PTZ camera up with an optical zoom, but after reading here this does not seem like a good idea and I also don't want to freak out the neighbors with panning around to decks, etc. SD50225U-HNI, this one is working great.
* A eyeball camera since bullets tend to attract spiders and like, but since not used for security may not be a big deal.IPC-HDW2231R-ZS or IPC-HDW5231R-ZE or IPC-T5442TM-AS
* Leaning toward Dahua, but don't know which camera would be a good fit.
* The Dahua 180 degree panoramic cameras look cool, but I don't think I can zoom into a specific area using these cameras and they are very expensive. IPC-EB5531, this one is cheap.
* Splitting the view up into two ~90 cameras - but it would be cool to stitch them together...IPC-HDBW4231F-E2-M, check this one.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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* I would like to zoom in on some surfers (about a mile away) - don't know if that's possible