Besder / Xiongmai camera questions


Young grasshopper
Feb 22, 2024
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United Kingdom
I have a dirt cheap Besder branded IP turret cam (3004PW-XMTG201) which is basically a rebadged Xiongmai thing. I can connect it to my network with a reserved DHCP address, and I can access it through iSpy on my main PC - though oddly it shows the ONVIF port as being 8899. But both the audio feed from the camera and audio to the camera speaker are working.

If I navigate to the IP address of the camera using a browser, the page after login shows basic PTZ controls but no feed from the camera. At first I thought this may be the standard procedure of chinesium cameras only using ActiveX controls so I logged in to the camera using Internet Explorer, but get the same result despite the window showing a prompt to activate the ActiveX plugin. If I navigate the browser to the camera ONVIF port I get a timeout result. It seems that the only way to alter parameters and settings on the camera is to use the ICsee mobile app, but even then the options offered are somewhat basic - for example, I would have liked to see options for adjusting the lux level at which the camera switches to night mode as well as an option to adjust the brightness of the white light illuminator (at present it is about as bright as one of those lightbars you get on top of a mudplugging 4x4 pickup!) but these options are not available. I went to the XMeye website and logged in there and found settings to adjust the camera - but this has the very odd outcome in which going to the relevant settings page for camera parameters (day/night, exposure, DNR, WDR, etc) and not making any adjustments at all but clicking 'OK' then disables the IR and white light illuminators completely, and there are no settings at all which will get them working again so then I have to go to a seperate menu option to reset those parameters back to default.

So my first question is simply this:- is there a means of setting parameters on the camera LOCALLY over the LAN connection without needing to use an app or remote website? Could this be done using Teraterm or PuTTY?
Alternatively, can settings be adjusted with a direct connection to the camera using a Serial connection? I have attached a photo of the top board on the camera, of which there are two different sets of empty terminals which look like they could be data points - one set is right at the top of board slightly to the right, with points numbered 1 to 5; the other is on the left of the board just above the connection for the wifi antenna, of which there are 4 points. To me, it looks like the top connection with points 1-5 could possibly be a serial connection (ground, Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx-) - so would it be worthwhile soldering in some flying leads to try with a Serial connector? If I were to put a test meter on these connections, would the data ground be a direct connection to board ground or would there be a specific voltage to see which would be a giveaway as to what type of connection this is?

My other main question is about security:- if we assume that my current settings for the camera cannot be adjusted any further, such as for lux levels and illuminator brightness, what would be the absolute minimum ports that would need to be open for the camera to operate ONLY on my local network - both for providing a feed to iSpy and to a Hikvision NVR - so that the camera cannot phone home or connect to the mothership? Would closing ports be done using Teraterm/PuTTY or through the LAN router? (I currently use an Amazon Eero router).

Any thoughts or help appreciated.



Young grasshopper
Feb 22, 2024
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Have you tried ODM ?
I'm having a look through that at the moment.... It has discovered the camera as well as an Avigilon H3 dome I have connected.

For this chinesium camera I have gone to "Network Settings" and updated the NTP server, which has gone through OK - but the setting for "HTTP Ports", I selected that to 'Enable' and put in 80 - hit APPLY and it's gone straight back to HTTP ports disabled.
Under "User Management" it has the usual admin account listed - but I'm sure I read somewhere that these Xiongmai cameras have a hidden "default" account too, which is not shown here.
Under "imaging settings" I tried turning on WDR and hitting APPLY but it brings back the error "the requested settings are incorrect"; this error also occurs by opening "imaging settings" and making NO changes then hitting APPLY.
Going to "Video Streaming" causes ODM to crash.
Under "Profiles" it shows "PROFILE_000" and "PROFILE_001" - so would one of these be the hidden "default" profile?
"Live Video" shows the feed from the camera as a snapshot BUT with an overlay box in the middle stating "NO SIGNAL". The timestamp is static, suggesting it grabbed the first frame of the feed then gave up.
Going to the "Web Page" link shows an embedded iframe going to "res:/ieframe.dll/navcancl.htm#" (xx's added) but the result is "navigation cancelled".

.... so whilst I can have the camera showing the correct time, that's about the only thing that ODM is able to alter.

As well as a really bright white light illuminator, another setting I'd like to change is the microphone level - at the moment it seems to have noise cancelling on by default, meaning the audio feed is ridiculously quiet.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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I am sorry you're coming up empty handed and have had poor results.

It's too bad money and time get wasted by people on so many of these off-brand or no name cameras. They cost less money-wise but cost more in aggravation and one ends up without a working or viable product.

Frankly, I'm not sure I'd want a product associated with Xiongmai anyway. Although it's been a number of years now and they have supposedly cleaned up their act (IOW, they got caught), I would spend some more money for a quality, name-brand product in the future. Note the Besder logo in the image of all the names Xiongmai is associated with.

BTW, the URL of is a private IP so no redaction is needed. My Blue Iris server is



Young grasshopper
Feb 22, 2024
Reaction score
United Kingdom
As I say, it was ridiculously cheap - barely a quarter of the price of the cheapest Hilook turret cam with white light (which doesn't have an audio interface - ones with white light and 2-way audio are almost 8-10x what I payed for this).

If there's any pointers about closing ports so as to prevent the unit dialling out etc then I'll probably just leave it as it is.... maybe open up the front board and see if it's possible to fit a different value leading resistor to dim the white light a bit.

Having left ODM open for a few hours, it's come up with a unit which doesn't bring up any information


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
Reaction score
As I say, it was ridiculously cheap - barely a quarter of the price of the cheapest Hilook turret cam with white light (which doesn't have an audio interface - ones with white light and 2-way audio are almost 8-10x what I payed for this).

If there's any pointers about closing ports so as to prevent the unit dialling out etc then I'll probably just leave it as it is.... maybe open up the front board and see if it's possible to fit a different value leading resistor to dim the white light a bit.

Having left ODM open for a few hours, it's come up with a unit which doesn't bring up any information
Definitely block also the the firewall / router