WOW. What is the bandwidth being used read?
the bandwidth on the NVR monitor reads 87.12/88.00 mbps. Is this the bandwidth you are asking about?
Wireless cameras can always introduce lots of problems.
The wireless cam [Lorex W881AA
4K Spotlight Outdoor Wi-Fi 6 Security Camera] is used to monitor my pond in winter. It was not supposed to show up on my NVR. They said it was not an IP camera. I was told that I would not be able to have it in the NVR setup, but when I do a device search it does show, so I am guessing they were incorrect? Don't know. It is in the 8th space on the NVR monitor with a red lock, so I was guessing that it would show once I added it from device search. Just didn't want to mess more up by trying to add it.
Best practice if you don't have the cameras connected to the POE ports on the NVR
I don't have the cameras connected to the POE ports on the NVR because I don't have ports on the NVR. Only one port that connects the NVR to the router.
My original cams were setup as wireless but I changed them all to hardwire because of connection issues.
Setup as it is:
NVR to Asus RT-AX88U Router.
Asus RT-AX88U Router to DLink Gigabyte 8 port switch.
7 IP hardwired cams plugged into DLink Gigabyte 8 port switch.
DLink Gigabyte 8 port switch to Asus RT-AX88U Router.
I asked @bigredfish if this was wrong in last post, he has not answered yet.
The wireless Lorex W881AA is not connected to anything as it was not supposed to be part of the system. See ^^^^^
if you physically unplug the router you will lose the feed)
I never unplug the router as it controls all my computers and other devices.
Disconnect the router from the chain of cables and see if the problem still persists.
Would the setup be NVR to the DLink Gigabyte 8 port switch ONLY? As in there would be no internet connection to my cameras? Please advise.
Turn off the wireless camera
Yes I can just unplug it.