New Weather API built in BI

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Keep in mind, it took a few hours for my key to work in BI, it said active on OpenWeatherMap.Org but would not work in BI. You will know when it works as it will populate the conditions and won't get an error message. No need to put CC info in or nothing for the free API service.

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I got the key and input it, mine started working within about 5 minutes.
I have the overlay on, live display on, but its not recording onto the triggered created video. did I miss a step or something?

Yes I missed a few steps.
Right click the playback screen and choose overlays, /text/graphic


Also to export the video with the information I had to turn on Re-encode the Video, then the exported video has the weather.

Just in case someone like me didn't use any of this before. :D

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Nice feature addition.

I've just emailed Ken to suggest he add a few more weather API services in addition to OpenWeatherMap.

The open source API is a free service that requires no registration for less than 10,000 API calls per day.

Another free service is the API, but you need to sign up and get a 'Master API Key'.
This service limits free accounts to 50 API calls per day, so the minimum update time is ~30 minutes

I’ve used all 3 services routinely for years (Open-Meteo is the newest).

I use them in a custom overlay (screenshot below) for one of my cameras that shows all sources, along with weather station data from the Blue Iris Tools (BIT) 3rd-party application. This is all managed by a PHP script.

I don’t consider any single service as source of truth, but I feel confident that I’m getting closer to it with multiple sources.

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I got it up and running, only issue I can't seem to get the temp right. Showing Temp 292°.
Any ideas?
When I made my API key, the gave a celsius and something else, no fahrenheit.
Or do I remake it the API and if so, don't know how.
Great to get the weather info in there.

Edit: Fixed it in settings/locations. Not sure how I did not see that there?
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Nice feature addition.

I've just emailed Ken to suggest he add a few more weather API services in addition to OpenWeatherMap.
Thanks for emailing Ken about adding additional weather API services. I have an Ambient Weather PWS and it would be nice to use that API to overlay the weather data from my location.
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Thanks for emailing Ken about adding additional weather API services. I have an Ambient Weather PWS and it would be nice to use that API to overlay the weather data from my location.
Same here.
Got an Ambient Weather WS-2902C reporting to PWS Weather, to WU and to Ambient Weather.
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Use 'Imperial' units for degrees F, and windspeed in MPH.
The location comes from the geo coordinates you entered on the same Settings > Location tab.
Thanks for that info! Now i have the right temp and location. Coordinates where wrong Hmm

But still the wind (windspeed in MPH %064) is off by 1 number on my exact location and wind gusts it say 0 and on the phone it say 16 mph (%063)

Using AccuWeather to Compare on my iphone.
Thanks for that info! Now i have the right temp and location. Coordinates where wrong Hmm

But still the wind (windspeed in MPH %064) is off by 1 number on my exact location and wind gusts it say 0 and on the phone it say 16 mph (%063)

Using AccuWeather to Compare on my iphone.
As I noted in post #7, I don’t consider any single service as a source of truth for my location. Each service uses different sensors, data sources, algorithms, and models. Wind speed is the most variable.

Recently I've noticed that our local TV weather reports are now comparing models in their forcasts.
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Would be very very cool if you could have it pull stats directly from Tempest

I have a weather station in my back yard, seems silly to get other data from the internet
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