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  1. S

    Flock installed LPR's without permits and has now been banned from operating in two states

    About 8 days. They have to credit us for the time the camera was down, but nothing more. It's beside the point since the requirement is that it be up on the rare occasion it is needed.
  2. S

    Flock installed LPR's without permits and has now been banned from operating in two states

    By the way, Flock told us that they did know the camera wasn't working--They just hadn't gotten around to fixing it or telling us. We felt much better :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  3. S

    Flock installed LPR's without permits and has now been banned from operating in two states

    To be fair, I don't think Flock is focused on one/two camera neighborhoods. Around here, they seems to be cutting deals with cities for a few dozen cameras at a time. It makes sense. The cost of selling/supporting this is much lower. Plus, Flock's "technology" (solar power, cellular...
  4. S

    Flock installed LPR's without permits and has now been banned from operating in two states

    We pay $1500 since we're grandfathered in. But clearly Flock isn't actually doing any work for the money. My neighbor just OK'd mounting a camera on their fascia where I can bridge it into my wifi. We live on a cul-de-sac so this would point straight up the street about 100' from where the...
  5. S

    Flock installed LPR's without permits and has now been banned from operating in two states

    We have one in our neighborhood. We've had 3 incidents and the Flock camera has failed to capture the license plate each time. The most recent time, the camera cable had been cut more than a week prior and no one noticed. Our Flock camera is mounted on a 6 foot pole. They mounted a large...