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  1. B

    More Fishin - Osprey

    I would say the best thing about my cameras is being able to answer the age-old question “what the hell was that?”
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    You know you live in Australia when ....

    “Person 62%” sounds about right for that image given it was recorded in Australia.
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    Midnight hunters

    3 coyotes cruising my neighborhood after midnight (the third is delayed, across the street). There is a cat which has been visiting my backyard several times a night hunting for mice and rats, which I appreciate. Hope this crew doesn't get him!
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    Jumping rat

    Got a fancy rat trap after watching the videos on YouTube, but unfortunately my first visitor set it off prematurely. He is supposed to get all the way to the left of the device and put his head up in a little tube to try and get some food, before getting the coup de grace. But somehow he was...
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    About 1/3 say unable to open ...

    Bummer to see no solution for this. Just suddenly got this issue after upgrading to x64 - Unable to open file:80004005. Happens with all cameras, mostly Hikvision but also a couple of Dahua PTZs. Recording direct to disk on a perfectly fine hard drive. Rebuilding the database and...
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    Uber driver's gotta go

    Some neighbors have that sign with a graphic of a dog doing his business with a slash through it, and the words "Curb Your Dog!". Gotta get one with a graphic of an Uber driver.
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    Uber driver's gotta go

    This is on a fairly busy neighborhood street at 5:30 pm. There were some pedestrians just before and after this but I cut them out for privacy. I get the usefulness of this new-age Uber service but the total lack of accountability for drivers is annoying.
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    Sneaky Coyote

    Slingshots should not be used in the city, agreed, as it is too dangerous for bystanders. On the other hand, if you used large ice cubes with the slingshot they wouldn't leave any tell-tale signs. :)
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    Home Owner Takes Gun From Home Invasion Suspect Read

    The local police station (Taraval) still has this up on their page with a case number, so I am pretty sure it is legit.
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    Hikvision 2532F-IS - not getting any audio through

    Thanks fenderman and perpetual nomad, I'll give the firmware upgrade a try and report back. I've purchased directly from one of the vendors mentioned, with good results. When buying stuff for the office I tend to rely on Amazon and didn't pay attention to who was fulfilling this particular...
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    Hikvision 2532F-IS - not getting any audio through

    Thanks. No sticker on the outside of the camera; is there supposed to be a sticker internally? In any event I would assume that the firmware listed on the embedded Web server would be accurate. It sounds like you're saying only version 5.2.0 works. So that sounds like this model camera usually...
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    Hikvision 2532F-IS - not getting any audio through

    Just another anecdote of a Hikvision 2532F-IS with no audio. Recently purchased with firmware 5.2. Shows as -IS on the box and on the web interface. No audio through BlueIris nor with Live View on the embedded webserver no matter which audio settings selected. Real bummer as I like the camera...
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    Constant cycling with new update.

    That did the trick bp, thanks! Took a little more troubleshooting as that panel did not show on the bottom of my screen. Had to enable PTZ controls, which still didn't show the Cycle button but indicated that section wasn't showing correctly. I quit and re-launched the console and the full...
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    3.65 .. Somthing odd

    I have six cameras running, recording direct to disk. Was about 10-11% before upgrading from 3.60 and still running the same now at 3.66. (on a 3.6 HZ i7 with 16 GB)
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    Constant cycling with new update.

    Just updated to 3.66 and now when I view the cameras in the console they continually cycle. This is a pain because I want to review clips from only a certain camera but there is no way to stay on a single camera as the selection just toggles from one camera to the next, changing the list of...