Search results for query: hookup

  1. user8963

    A hard truth alot of you need to hear! - im an Idiot who does not understand wifi and blames BI.

    reolink is always an alternative. you have to watch videos from hookup from youtube. reolink is the winner in each category ! didnt someone posted yesterday how blueiris sucks because it doesnt catch any motion ? FPS/key of 15.02/0.13 must be good enough !
  2. E

    Christmas Sales 2021

    :idk::p Not Joe
  3. user8963

    Christmas Sales 2021

    whoever the guy is good choice (maybe a hookup victim ? :))
  4. TonyR

    A hard truth alot of you need to hear! - im an Idiot who does not understand wifi and blames BI.

    Heck, I going hog wild with some P2P battery-powered cams.
  5. wittaj

    A hard truth alot of you need to hear! - im an Idiot who does not understand wifi and blames BI.

    Thank goodness he came and made us all aware that our perfectly running system is actually trash :lmao: I'm eyeing a replacement and switching to the reolink platform as we speak. Some hookup dude on YouTube convinced me that system is where it is at.;)
  6. TBurt

    Detect/ignore static objects

    You need to update to BI 5.5.1.x or later. The newest versions will not consider objects gone until it is missing for 2 minutes. So headlights, other objects blocking your car, whatever, will not cause it to think it is no longer occupied. I had the most problems at night and car headlights...
  7. Holbs

    FYI for Android users who have upgraded to Android 12 and use VPN

    Well, Google did not HAVE to remove it at 100%. They could of adding a warning saying this is an outdated VPN method. I bought the UDM for the firewall and vlan purposes...and yes, even the fancy GUI. If I had to do over again, I would of went a different route. I'm not happy with Ubiquiti in...
  8. user8963

    FYI for Android users who have upgraded to Android 12 and use VPN

    ...obvious not true for reolink LOL), but after years competitors keep up and they rely only on all the reviews/howtos from the influencers like hookup to sell their stuff. There is no improvement or development. Heck you can buy tplinks copycat "omada series" which is cheaper and works even...
  9. user8963

    Is reolink a swear word here?

    For me, its a little bit too less exposed. I like my objects bright as heaven. Everytime some reolink thread got posted here, some people register and say how good reolink cameras are. not sure how many email addresses hookup has for register :rofl:
  10. Flintstone61

    Noob here. Is Reolink really this bad or am I stupid?

    Sent by the Hookup as a troll
  11. NightLife

    Anyone install their PoE switch outdoors?

    ...with the main going into the house. I have 3 individual, and different sized Scepter conduits on the side of the house. 1 for main hydro, another for sat cables (which I intend to also use for IPC cabling), and 1 for hydro buried, and coming out the back of the house for a deck hot tub hookup.
  12. user8963

    Home surveillance with Dahua - Planning

    ...picture to identify a person. Here from calculator... but the face would look a bit better on 2,8mm in my opinion, depends on codec and bitrate ... Or just add some reolink duos... maybe they will fill your needs... or maybe not... even the colors match perfect on them... hookup would agree
  13. Griswalduk

    Supply line issues.

    ...explaining lens sizes, demonstrating the field of view etc but the guy was using reolink equipment lol. Before anybody asks it wasn't the hookup or whatever his name is. This was a Canadian guy and funny enough he also made videos building and fine tuning a blue iris PC. I found this site...
  14. sebastiantombs

    Need help with powering IP cameras

    You're just as well off using eight separate conductors, like hookup wire than using flat "ethernet" cable. I've been known to do things out of "spec" to get a job done, but that stuff will never be on my list. After seeing what a simple bend, let alone a sharp bend, does to the impedance of a...
  15. wittaj

    Acusense and 1/1.8 sensor

    Just so you are aren't watching the Hookup LOL. People are oblivious and you paint the cameras to match your house and nobody will see them. Many people here have 3 cameras just looking at the front door. Varifocals are designed to give you the flexibility you need to OPTICALLY zoom in to the...
  16. wittaj

    Imagine owning a camera of this scale

    The Hookup would still favor the Reolink :lmao:
  17. P

    Alarm system controlled by home automation system

    ...but struggling to find any alarm system which has this functionality. Was thinking even if there's an alarm system that can be armed via a jumper on the main controller unit, I could hookup a smart relay module to perform this controlled from my system Does anyone know if such a system exists?
  18. Mark_M

    You guys agree with this guy?

    ...for a while, then made a direct clone and sold it for more. His Business is just about up selling and his controllers software is shite. Absolute terrible things to troubleshoot (I have first hand experience helping others). Of course; The Hookup just sees money, like money in 'reviewing'...
  19. mat200

    You guys agree with this guy?

    ...I would expect a super villain to .. well .. do some calculations ... like, say .. DORI calculations .. ) Promise: "So, today on the hookup I'm going to tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about reolink cameras." - The Hook up Sept. 22, 2201 "...