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  1. jdomi

    Can't access it from another device

    Ok, I got it to work now. I opened the Windows Firewall on the server, which is where the application is installed, and I did 2 things: 1) Delete the 2 old entries for BI v3 2) For each one of the new 2 entries for BI v4 I went to the Properties > Advanced tab and only Domain and Private were...
  2. jdomi

    Can't access it from another device

    fenderman, No, I can't login on my network. I will take a look at the help file and report back. Best regards.
  3. jdomi

    Can't access it from another device

    fenderman, The firewall settings should be fine, what would I need to check for? Remember that this happened after upgrading to version 4 on all devices. BI itself is installed on my Windows Server 2012 Essentials. Regards.
  4. jdomi

    Can't access it from another device

    fenderman, Thank you for welcoming me to the forum. The error message I get on the browser is "Page cannot be displayed. Make sure the web address is correct" The user in BI doesn't have "LAN only" checked, which s correct. When I run port 3000 through...
  5. jdomi

    Can't access it from another device

    Colleagues, My first post but long time reader. Since upgrading from 3.x.x.x to 4.0.0.x I cannot access BI from a device other than were it is installed. I cannot access it from laptops or from our Android and iPhone apps. The IP address and port are correct, I have looked at it long enough...