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  1. E

    BI DAT Tool - Filter/inspect/delete Blue Iris AI-analysis 'DAT' files; Extract JPG images and JSON results

    Same result without -NoInspect. Again, the Alert Memo is Blue Iris is "nothing found" as shown in the earlier screenshot. FWIW, I have "spider" in the "AI: To cancel" field (although it never reached the 70% min-confidence to actually identify one). I don't confirm or cancel vehicles...(But...
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    BI DAT Tool - Filter/inspect/delete Blue Iris AI-analysis 'DAT' files; Extract JPG images and JSON results

    Yeah, something must be screwy because that command does not work for me. It returns No DAT files found via the requested filters (which is not accurate). This DAT file specifically is a cancelled alert with "nothing found" in the alert memo. As you can see, I can't get the tool to read the...
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    BI DAT Tool - Filter/inspect/delete Blue Iris AI-analysis 'DAT' files; Extract JPG images and JSON results

    Sorry, I'm just able to get back to this and take a real look... Ok, I was just trying to filter/process a cancelled alert by adding an explanation point to the alert memo (i.e. "nothing found!") (when the AI misses something entirely) and it wasn't processed. I think because the tool ignores...
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    Help training a model, batch and epochs #s?

    Didn't want to clog up the BI DAT tool thread, but I've racked my brain with this very problem so I'll ask/continue it here lol. I've spent a lot of time wondering what aspect ratio/sized images are best to train my model on....Here is an original image and 3 examples preprocessing trying to...
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    BI DAT Tool - Filter/inspect/delete Blue Iris AI-analysis 'DAT' files; Extract JPG images and JSON results

    Hi, so I'm playing around with this trying to find the right command before automating. It's scanning everything properly and I'm getting the hang of it lol. One issue, Alert Memos don't seem to work with cancelled alerts? Whether the BI alert memo is "nothing found," or "occupied," or even a...
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    BI DAT Tool - Filter/inspect/delete Blue Iris AI-analysis 'DAT' files; Extract JPG images and JSON results

    Nice, can't wait to get this automated. It's really going to help improve the accuracy of my model and super efficiently at that! Thank you
  7. E

    BI DAT Tool - Filter/inspect/delete Blue Iris AI-analysis 'DAT' files; Extract JPG images and JSON results

    It may have been my fault entirely...I unchecked everything for the BI User not understanding what access it needed. Now I'm guessing it needs at least View' Clips :facepalm: It might have worked otherwise.
  8. E

    BI DAT Tool - Filter/inspect/delete Blue Iris AI-analysis 'DAT' files; Extract JPG images and JSON results

    Ah, ok, I was trying to use it on local copies of the DAT files on my computer, while giving it webserver access via VPN. I was probably screwing something up in the process. Very cool, can't wait! Thank you!
  9. E

    BI DAT Tool - Filter/inspect/delete Blue Iris AI-analysis 'DAT' files; Extract JPG images and JSON results

    Any idea why editing the memo in BI to add a "!" isn't working? It shows up in BI properly, but when I scan the DAT files with your tool it doesn't show up. Also, Windows also doesn't the change the "Date Modified" of the DAT file, so I'm guessing the change isn't saving properly? I tried...
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    BI DAT Tool - Filter/inspect/delete Blue Iris AI-analysis 'DAT' files; Extract JPG images and JSON results

    Wow, there's a lot of information here. I guess I just have to play around with the tool until I get the hang of it lol. Question, what is the webserver access used for? I see the "NOTE: ACCOUNT MUST BE ADMIN TO POST TO CUSTOM MESSAGES TO THE BLUE IRIS LOGFILE," but not sure what it really...
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    Confirmed AI Marked-Up images only

    Very cool, I'll check it out. Thanks for sharing.
  12. E

    Detecting wildlife with Dahua cameras

    It's been a while but I wanted to share a video of SD5A425XA-HNR PTZ actually doing some autotracking using the settings here: Bobcat autotrack It was nice to see the autotracking actually work on animals after the camera has been creeping out my mom following her around the property the past...
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    Confirmed AI Marked-Up images only

    Right, I was actually looking for the other 20-30 images used by the AI aside from the one confirmed jpg saved (for training my own model based on images that maybe the AI missed or misidentified before confirming one). Anyway here was Ken's reply on how to extract the images: (In the end...
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    Confirmed AI Marked-Up images only

    I'm on an older version of BI so maybe something has changed, but I emailed BI support a couple months ago inquring about getting the Alert images used for AI processing (as seen in the AI status tab) and was told they aren't actually saved anywhere. Although, helpfully, he did provide info to...
  15. E

    What would cause video brightness to change constantly?

    I figured out the problem in case anyone runs into the same thing in the future. It was in fact related to PTZ presets changing the Day/Night picture settings. Since the camera is also a PTZ spotter camera, moving the PTZ to Preset 1 when triggered, it also inadvertently set itself to [PTZ]...
  16. E

    What would cause video brightness to change constantly?

    Fortuantely, (as usual) the issue appears to user error lol. After deleting the camera and adding it back the brightness issue disappeared. It returned after importing the original camera settings though. Now to just painstankingly reconfigure the camera one tab at a time until I track down the...
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    What would cause video brightness to change constantly?

    I'll give that a shot... FWIW this is what the BI status window shows: Althought the status window does seem to be missing a lot of alerts.. Unless the # shown is combining them?
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    What would cause video brightness to change constantly?

    No, but I actually just figured something out... It must be related to when the camera triggers. It occurs at the exact time of the alert (according to BI), and lasts the 30 seconds I have it set to "End trigger unless re-triggered." I didn't notice it at first because I have BI set to a 3 sec...
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    What would cause video brightness to change constantly?

    No, I just checked, it's off both Day and Night profiles. ty
  20. E

    What would cause video brightness to change constantly?

    Day/night profiles are set up correctly (and configured with PTZ calls). Manual/customized range shutter speed, etc. I forgot (it's been year since configuring this camera) is that the internal IR is actaully turned off completely. In the beginning of the video when it's bright, that's entirely...
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    What would cause video brightness to change constantly?

    Yeah there are a couple of other cameras (including a PTZ you can see swing) and IR floodlight. I guess it could be auto adjusting the brightness to the IR light swinging into view from the PTZ... I have configured it manually with day/night settings, but I'll double check them this evening...
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    What would cause video brightness to change constantly?

    As you can see in the attach video, the brightness constantly goes darker and then at some point lightens up again. Could this be a firmware issue? The camera is a IPC-T5442TM-AS-6mm with a very old wildlife detecting firmware (DH_IPC-HX4XXX...
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    Help training a model, batch and epochs #s?

    When I'm (re)training a model after adding more images to the dataset should I use --weights again, like I did originally? or would using --weights continue to improve/build off the existing model? (Obviously, I dont really understand what the pretrained model is. lol)
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    lol topic [sic] it's a quote from a tv show Look at her go: The final product:
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    Blue Iris UI3

    I usually use UI3 on my phone and if I'm viewing a single camera I constantly find myself trying to swipe left or right to scroll between the other cameras. Is there a way of enabling that or any chance of adding it? Thanks
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    Dahua IPC EASY unbricking / recovery over TFTP

    If you go back a few pages and find the working link for the files (originally from the OP), with the guide it's all pretty clear... You copy the commands into the commands.txt, run a .bat file which creates another .txt file in the folder you'll extract the fw files in. Then it's just launch...
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    Dahua IPC EASY unbricking / recovery over TFTP

    Option 2 will work for you. You can flash the camera remotely while it's installed (without bringing it back to your computer). For safety, unplug your other cameras. Follow the PDF guide setting up the IP addresses on your computer. With your computer already plugged into the switch and the...
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    Help training a model, batch and epochs #s?

    Sounds good, thank you. 100K images is insane!
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    Help training a model, batch and epochs #s?

    Yeah, it could be, my model is 3x the size of yours (the same size difference as vs Lol please go easy on me, I don't know what any of these graphs means. Here is the original with only 3 val and test pictures: I reran the training with and 25...