Confirmed AI Marked-Up images only


Getting the hang of it
Apr 19, 2021
I am currently using BI on a Win10 machine and CodeProject AI 2.0.8 in an unraid container. What are the settings or method to only get AI Confirmed Marked-Up JPGs into a specific folder? For example if I have these settings to create a JPG When Alerted


This is the image that is saved.


But when I go to the Alerts folder after AI has done it's thing, this is the image I find there.

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I'm on an older version of BI so maybe something has changed, but I emailed BI support a couple months ago inquring about getting the Alert images used for AI processing (as seen in the AI status tab) and was told they aren't actually saved anywhere. Although, helpfully, he did provide info to manually extract them from the Alert .dat file with a hex editor, if neccassry. Idk if that answers you question regarding the marked up images?

In regards to your other question, you have the images saved for every 1:00.0 minute, so maybe you're just missing the car?
I'm on an older version of BI so maybe something has changed, but I emailed BI support a couple months ago inquring about getting the Alert images used for AI processing (as seen in the AI status tab) and was told they aren't actually saved anywhere. Although, helpfully, he did provide info to manually extract them from the Alert .dat file with a hex editor, if neccassry. Idk if that answers you question regarding the marked up images?

The AI Marked Up images are updated/added in the Alerts folder. That is where I am finding them. Do you happen to have the info on how to extract the images from the dat file?

In regards to your other question, you have the images saved for every 1:00.0 minute, so maybe you're just missing the car?

Per the settings I have it create a JPG On Alert and not Continuous. The empty image above is a few seconds after the AI marked up image.
Here is something I am doing in the mean time. After a confirmed alert I am running this BAT file to copy images from the Alerts folder to a different folder that Gentle Pumpkins Telegram Upload Tool monitors..

timeout 10 > nul

for %%i in ("C:\BlueIris\Alerts\*.jpg") do (if exist "%%~dpni.dat" (xcopy /d "%%~i" "C:\BlueIris\Telegram_Alerts"))

It waits 10 seconds to let the AI mark up the image in the Alerts folder then IF a .dat file exists it makes a copy of the same named .JPG file.

The AI Marked Up images are updated/added in the Alerts folder. That is where I am finding them. Do you happen to have the info on how to extract the images from the dat file?

Per the settings I have it create a JPG On Alert and not Continuous. The empty image above is a few seconds after the AI marked up image.
Right, I was actually looking for the other 20-30 images used by the AI aside from the one confirmed jpg saved (for training my own model based on images that maybe the AI missed or misidentified before confirming one).

Anyway here was Ken's reply on how to extract the images: (In the end without coding something it was a little too manual lol, but if you figure out an easy way of getting it please let me know lol).

Look for images that start with FF D8 FF E0 and go through FF D9. Each set of data like that is a JPEG image.

Here is something I am doing in the mean time. After a confirmed alert I am running this BAT file to copy images from the Alerts folder to a different folder that Gentle Pumpkins Telegram Upload Tool monitors..

It waits 10 seconds to let the AI mark up the image in the Alerts folder then IF a .dat file exists it makes a copy of the same named .JPG file.
Nice, that might be your best bet..I dont know if you're getting AI marked up images any other way. I use the same save a jpg On Alert and there are no markups.

JW do you have something in the To Cancel field so the AI keeps checking every image? Maybe it's not saving a jpg until it finishes the process. (I think that's when I removed something from the To Cancel field actually...getting the jpgs to save correctly was a bit annoying..I save 1 every second.)
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