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  1. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    Well that was a huge disappointment! The clouds tried to break through but the live stream kicked out about 10 minutes after and I could (still can't) get it back!
  2. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    I don't have a lot of experience with tweaking settings. Mine is defaults except for resolution. YouTube asked for a certain optimal resolution and I changed it to that. The only thing I did was turn off the IR and put a welding lens over it. I've since taken the welding lens off.
  3. F

    When someone goes overboard on dashcam .....

    Cops would write him/her a ticket since all the writing is blocking his rear view! It does give me ideas on what to do with all the old foscams on the garage shelf :D
  4. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    Well it is officially overcast this morning. Wunderground reports 19% chance of rain during the 1-2pm time frame. There is no rule that says it cannot clear up. Here is the updated youtube link.
  5. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    Sun and Fun in Lakeland, FL starts Tuesday and runs through the weekend. All kinds of planes fly into town and traffic comes to an immediate stop when a fighter plane buzzes traffic on County Line road. I have been in many an "almost accident" through the years. Glad to avoid that kind traffic!
  6. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    Wow! I reread your post and do not know why I took "fell off the wagon" as a literal wagon. I literally envisioned a covered wagon when I read it this morning. Physical ailments are frequently easier to deal with than addiction issues. Still wishing him the best.
  7. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    I hope your stepson is going to be OK. Neighbor fell off their horse trailer years ago and she is still not OK. At my age, falls are starting to concern me.
  8. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    This is my first foray into streaming so I know nothing. I gathered a lot from here on ipcamtalk and youtube links provided. I guess that I am not going to jump through their hoops for this stream but might try later. Thank you!
  9. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    Even searching with my stream title does not come up with the link. I even have problems finding the link from my youtube home page. Since I am sharing this with friends, it would be nice to point to something that does not change. Any whizzes out there?
  10. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    I guess that each time the stream stops and restarts a new address is issued. The new share link is South Texas Eclipse Live Stream
  11. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    The website that article references is offline for exceeding bandwidth. By zooming in, the east limit is showing it on the east side of I-35 in Devine Texas. The one referenced by @TonyR above shows it slightly west of that intersection. So based on that, the full eclipse are has expanded. The...
  12. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    The camera feed is shutting off at least daily but I am resetting it and will do so on Monday so hopefully it is active and the weather is clear during the eclipse.
  13. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    I checked out the video and now my youtube feed is filled with preachers! That is probably better than when I click on the "Arjun, where are ya" feed!
  14. F

    EmpireTech 2024 Spring Sales

    Got two things yesterday. One was from a shady real estate investor that gave me a very generous offer of 5 to 10 % of fair market value for some vacant land I own. The other was an Andy Cam! Guess which one I didn't throw away! Thank you Andy:headbang:
  15. F


    These look like a flea market find. I don't recognize that nvr or cameras. Since you have scribbled on your note pad, I'm assuming they are dahua or a rebrand. Pick only one camera. Remove the trap door and beneath it you will find a reset button. This resets it to default with...
  16. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    Camera location shows 18:31 to 18:34. I think you have to subtract 6 hours from UT for central time. The extra hour is for daylight savings time. Which makes it 13:30ish. Or maybe I'm expecting it an hour earlier than it will get there?
  17. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    At night picture without welding lens picture is great. Daytime captures with and without lens.
  18. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    I set up a camera and piped it to YouTube. I've got a #10 welding lens taped over it. The link is Eclipse Live Stream I don't know how to hide the personal info and being on a micro screen now I don't have all the controls of a desktop. Any input would be appreciated.
  19. F

    EmpireTech 2024 Spring Sales

    Thank You Andy for a fun way for us to participate in this Hobby!
  20. F

    EmpireTech 2024 Spring Sales

    So disappointed when my #36 ticket just barely missed the 1st prize (Congratulations to #37!!) But my #35 won the IPC-T5442T-ZE S3 4th prize and that is a camera to be reckoned with! Congratulations to all Winners and good luck on the rest of the draws!
  21. F

    Hall of shame

    This is pretty standard practice for me. My wife doesn't have a problem lifting me up but she damn sure cannot feather the controls to let me down at less than 32 ft/sec^2!
  22. F

    The official "WTF" thread

    Flowable fill, is about 1000 psi strength. Probably should not be used for a foundation though.
  23. F

    The official "WTF" thread

    That is hilarious! We took a delivery several years ago. We pulled our item out and the driver asked us to pull his last load aft since we had an extendible fork lift. When we did, he had room to set up his bunk. IIRC, it was like a 24' panel van. I would have no way of knowing if he had a poop...
  24. F

    The official "WTF" thread

    He spent his welder budget on the lathe!
  25. F

    The official "WTF" thread

    At least they LOTO!
  26. F

    Eclipse April 8th. 2024

    If one were in a good viewing area, would it be possible to record this event on camera without welding glass taped to the lens? I've got several unmounted cameras that i could mount and sacrifice if it was going to destroy the camera. This map shows that I will be in viewing area. National...
  27. F

    HFW5231E-Z12E image degraded

    I have a HFW5241E-Z12E that has had a smudge on the lens cover since day one. You can see the smudge on the left just above the LPR camera name. I had it down today and that smudge is actually Kanji writing on the glass. If you look at the second picture, you can see a curved scratch in the...
  28. F

    DAHUA IPC cameras web interface connection

    Looks like your subnet is 192.168.33.* The camera configuration is 192.168.1.*. Change the cameras to the 33 or if you do not have anything else on that network, it might be easier to change the AP to
  29. F

    Random Picture(s) -- StevenFromTexas

    So you got them littering on camera, got their plates and sent that info to TXDOT and they sent them a warning letter and a litter bag? Is that standard practice? A while back a Medina county commissioner found garbage thrown on the side of a side road at the bottom of a 15 foot cliff (with all...
  30. F


    If internet hunting had not been quickly outlawed ages ago, it might have had some potential.