

Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
The Swamp
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Sick of these fucking punks looking for some "reparations".
I do, PTZ goes to LPR mode at night activated by the two cameras shown. Even with the wimpy street light, its not great for face ID and I had to make a choice, so its LPR at night :confused:
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If I lived in the US with the ability to fire at will I would mount this camera and let it be a one time experience for all the punks I’ve seen in videos on this forum

I would assume the word would spread not to check the mail box at 222 Hitman avenue anymore!
Alone....outdoors.....4:30 AM but wearing a so-called "COVID" mask...... it all smacks of deceit from the get-go. If I was LEO I'd engage him in some friendly banter.....:idk:
OK, let's have it...."I detest thieves.":angry:
He wasnt selling girl scout cookies for sure. Stole my other neighbors key out of his golf cart.
We really dont have many problems here, was surprising to see but I suspect like everywhere it will become more common.
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What are the exact rules / laws actually in the US? Is it depending on what state you live in? What is the definition of trespassing where one could potentially award a perp with led poisoning? I mean I would assume if one simply walks up your lawn that would not be cause enough??
Differs state to state but by and large you must be "in fear of imminent death or great bodily harm"

Which means you’ll need to prove that.

Generally speaking AOJ
The bad guy has to be shown to have had the Ability, Opportunity, and Jeopardy (Intent)

In many states we have Stand your ground type laws that allow you to use deadly force if the above conditions are met, wherever you may happen to be.

At your home some states (like mine :)) also have Presumption. This means the State of Florida presumes the person entering your house forcibly, intends you death or great bodily harm and no further justification is needed.

Again generally speaking, you do NOT have the right to use lethal force for defense of property.
Allright thx for explanation - I guess my new Andy cam model won’t get approved for the US market then ;)
If internet hunting had not been quickly outlawed ages ago, it might have had some potential.
I mean I would assume if one simply walks up your lawn that would not be cause enough??

I quit calling the police in September 2023 where I live because door checkers are now falling into the no response at all category. Walking through yards to the next vehicle at the next house is O.K. So I just record the door checkers for my own amusement now. I also quit calling on vehicle burglaries in progress. :thumbdown:
We've been pretty lucky. Out last place in Orange County would respond and take videos and pics and we helped catch a couple. Both were vehicle breakins and one they tried hotwiring the car. That one they arrested 3.
Up here in Lake county they'll also respond. I didnt call on this one as I cant file a report if not damage or attempt on my property but the neighbor did and I handed over a thumb drive with the video I had on him. Ya never know when they might be able use it to connect with another breakin
We've been pretty lucky. Out last place in Orange County would respond and take videos and pics and we helped catch a couple. Both were vehicle breakins and one they tried hotwiring the car. That one they arrested 3.
Up here in Lake county they'll also respond. I didnt call on this one as I cant file a report if not damage or attempt on my property but the neighbor did and I handed over a thumb drive with the video I had on him. Ya never know when they might be able use it to connect with another breakin

There was a mail thief checking on our block last night. But he skipped my house for some reason. He was skinny and tall wearing all black with hoodie and ski mask and a backpack.
There was a mail thief checking on our block last night. But he skipped my house for some reason. He was skinny and tall wearing all black with hoodie and ski mask and a backpack.
A ninja cockroach....
Remember when the only place you could wear a ski mask was on the slopes?
Or you'd see a "COVID" mask in like only a doctor's office or hospital?
A ninja cockroach....
Remember when the only place you could wear a ski mask was on the slopes?
Or you'd see a "COVID" mask in like only a doctor's office or hospital?

Not a door checker, but here's someone wearing a ski mask on April 25, 2023 when the air temperature was around 64 degrees. A neighbor and I thought he was trying to get someone to call the police so he could yell "Racist!".

Not a door checker, but here's someone wearing a ski mask on April 25, 2023 when the air temperature was around 64 degrees. A neighbor and I thought he was trying to get someone to call the police so he could yell "Racist!".

View attachment 184543
Oh, yeah....somewhat overboard for 64 degrees. It wouldn't surprise me if there were no lenses or no corrective optics in those glasses either. :wtf:
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