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  1. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    Went and did it just now (two were on 80? the others were already there.) No change yet./
  2. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    I can't see them in BI. See above. Once they went offline, the ONLY way I've been able to talk to them (referring to the two on the bench, specifically) has been to physically reset them and then I can see their streams in the web gui after changing the PW and before changing the ip. After...
  3. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    Wait... you're speaking of the web GUI for the camera which I can't actually get to, once I change the IP. The only way I can get to any of these once they have stopped talking is to Physically reset them, then use the web gui to see them at 1.108, then I can change their password at which...
  4. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    Of minor note: in Dahua Config tool, setting the PW in the search setting does nothing. If I have the right subnet range, it finds the working cams even with the wrong or NO password. Not sure if that's a win or a loss for config tool. If I set the 1.108 just to check, no cams appear.... just...
  5. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    Noted, I can sure try that. I want very much for the fix to be from the keyboard and NOT involve pulling cams down for bench time.
  6. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    I'm certainly open to every possibility, but I made no changes to logins anywhere and all the cams share the same login for almost two years, now. The PW is upper and lower alpha plus numeric plus an asterisk.
  7. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    I suspected a switch going out but there are two of them (8 and 24 port) and the outages are randomly dispersed. Switching physical ports at the switches made no difference.
  8. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    What is the significance (if any) of BI knowing the cams are there but not talking versus Config tool not knowing they are there?
  9. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    I have looked at so many settings and done so much help reading and forum searching.... I Truly hope you guys can see where I went off the rails. I just can't keep this up, it's like studying for a Psych final.
  10. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    Unfortunately, none of these can be seen by Find/inspect, it just times out.
  11. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    Note that BI (2nd panel above) SEES the cameras..... but the web interface cannot and Dahua Config cannot. The config list is the other eight working cams. The ips for the offline cams are .10 .16 .18 .20 .24 .25
  12. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    And now, the same panels from two cams that just recently stopped communicating. These are NOT the two I was already were dealing with, these just quit a couple of days ago and I have made ZERO changes to them AFAIK
  13. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    Next are five screenshots each of panels from two cams that are working perfectly
  14. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    As is typical for my projects, it just keeps getting deeper. ++++++First, note that although yesterday I upgraded my CPU, that has NOTHING to do with my cam connection issues which were getting more involved before the CPU thing. The chip swap was simple and uneventful. ++++++++ Now, back to...
  15. MrSurly

    Mystery Password Demand

    Slightly better cpu in and running (i7 9700k) Still having camera connection issues (nothing to do with the cpu switch). tomorrow I’ll dig into it further.
  16. MrSurly

    Mystery Password Demand

    It's not a Blue Iris login... It's a Windows thing that once I set an admin password, I MUST use that to get past Windows' own splash screen. It is as if it forgot that I upgraded to Pro. But of course, it didn't. Windows is currently trying to cram WIN11 down my gullet.... Dammit, why do they...
  17. MrSurly

    Mystery Password Demand

    Yeah, that didn't fix it on mine. It's OK in that the service is running... but I wish it would bypass the windows login for me to do anything local.
  18. MrSurly

    Mystery Password Demand

    Was this a BI update change? I've been running it for over a year without a password and now I'm being forced to, not by Windows but by BI??? As I recall, the whole reason that I had to pay for the upgrade to Win Pro was specifically to have the no-password-startup agility(?) I did add the...
  19. MrSurly

    Mystery Password Demand

    I think I have pissed off my Blue Iris(?) In an effort to get my remote monitoring back in order (I haven't actually viewed the system remotely in a very long time) I created a new OpenVPN config on my TPLink router just as before. I imported it to my phone and the desktop at work; both machines...
  20. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    1. I have not tried updating the firmware, but likely my next step. 2. Andy says its not a hardware issue, so, therefore, not warranty. He offered no fix. You might say I'm a bit disappointed.... 3. he may be correct but I'm running out of guesses. 4. I will try the firmware next
  21. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    I have tried this, its a no go, even if I try the 1.108 with the new password. I have messaged Andy, I'm going with his advice whatever that might be. Maybe he's run into this before(?)
  22. MrSurly

    Funny weird cameras of AliExpress.

    Still waiting for the price...
  23. MrSurly

    Funny weird cameras of AliExpress.

    "Wocks with Amazon Alexa" and others. I recently installed a PTX sourced from WISH. No brand name. NOT PoE which is my biggest issue with it, needing a power wire is a pain so i have it temporarily installed close to power. If I keep it, I'll eventually run dedicated wiring for it. I...
  24. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    Update of a sort: I have spent more hours trying again and again to figure this out. I have reset them all many many times. I have had one huge success in that I managed to get the 2231TZS working! The other two cams are having the same issue: I can do the physical reset button, holding it for...
  25. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    Thanks! You guys have described my entire Wednesday! I had the day off and decided I was going to fix these cams and work on BI motion configurations, reset my stunnel... in the end I failed to complete these tasks! I did all of the things you both described, many times. I was concerned that I...
  26. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    My system is less than two years old. All my cams are Dahua, all bought from Andy. I've PM'ed Andy to see what to do next as these are all in warranty as far as I know. But MAYBE they can be revived? I'd much rather get them working than warranted. These three cams stopped communicating at...
  27. MrSurly

    The YouTube User With 20.5 Million Subscribers Does It Again

    Interesting read. I hadn't heard of it. I appears (if one is willing to take the apology as real) that the youtuber guy did not fake anything, but that people who agreed to help him then faked the package theft. This paints Rober as an unknowing victim; I'm not certain someone so obviously...
  28. MrSurly

    The YouTube User With 20.5 Million Subscribers Does It Again

    ???? What about the vast collection of glitterbomb videos on his site seems .....fake? Mark Rober's Channel Glitterbombs, squirrel mazes, pee in the pool... over 633 MILLION views. If this guy is fake, he's the best faker ever!
  29. MrSurly

    The YouTube User With 20.5 Million Subscribers Does It Again

    A guy shown in one of those videos was NOT the scammer or the bad guy, he was merely the owner of the Air B&B that a scammer had used as a drop. He was innocent and fully cooperated with the cops to further the cause of catching the bad guys. Once the glitterbomb ended up involved with phone...
  30. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    Copied from another thread, explaining my question better than I did: So far, it seems that the answer must be 'that's impossible' but I'm hopeful the experts here have an approach that does this.