I also tested my shop alarm, worked great. I shut off my Mesh server this time and it processed the file on the BI machine. This sound will be very handy once AI sounds are added to BI. Hats off to the CPAI team !
No need to reinstall, this is normal after a BI update. Just reboot computer and all will work again OR you can stop/start the CP service, which sometimes is a pain in the ass within BI. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't. I prefer to reboot PC method.
Always try the F5 key to refresh screen when you don't see a option showing. Also make sure your BI shows the models in this box if you are using custom models. I just reboot the pc and it always seems to sync everything.
For CPU only try using Yolov5.NET and click the gear and select "disable gpu" It will give you the fastest times. if you are not using Face detection, then turn it off.
I just tested this option by checking the "Group cloned clips" box on the MASTER cam. It works exactly as it says. I posted a couple pics to show. In my case my cloned camera only detects ONVIF triggers and is used to move my PTZ cam to this IVS line crossing area so it can track the subject...
You don't HAVE to leave them on. I shut down my slave on the mesh every night, and the BI machine just goes back to its own mode. When I start the slave machine up every morning, then the BI sees its on and starts the mesh with no need for intervention. Mostly at night I have much fewer...
I'm seeing or thinking anyway only when the BI machine is slammed with several images will it dump some off. On mine it doesn't use the fastest slave as well unless I get several calls at once. In my case I only run 8 cams on AI on a I7-6700k in CPU mode, so most of the time it really needs no...
Most of these problems are from NOT letting CP install fully. When you do the install select "remove previously installed modules & data" and then wait for the installer finish the initial setup. BE SURE to leave status window open and watch the progress of each component as it is downloaded and...
You will need to configure your network to allow your BobPC see BI machine I do not use dual nics so you need to find out how to do that.
The way you have your Bi machine on a different network segment. Your BI machine can see your Bobpc but not the other way around. I use mine on same network, so can't help you out, but sure someone here can. I would think for it to work right it has to be a 2 way street.
YES, the other computers only need CP installed on them as in my case. You do not need BI on others, but could. This explains: The CodeProject.AI Server Mesh - CodeProject.AI Server v2.4.1
I also have been testing the 2.4.3 CP beta using the new "Mesh" feature. I use CP in the CPU mode only in a windows W11 environment so it has been very stable for me. The mesh timings are very good. My office computer is only on during the day and early evening and then gets shut off every...
Looks like a great project ! My concern is the wind moving the cameras on that mount. I'm thinking a short tripod type might work better. The problem with the satellite type mount is the base is so small for the leverage you will have on it. I have experienced this issue with a weathervane...
I still have a shortcut on my taskbar for the control panel! Funny how some of the new places they like to hide settings will sometimes take you to the control panel. 23H2 they have tried to hide stuff even more.
A quick sample clip of my daughter's new PTZ494M-25X she purchased from Andy. Of course, dad had to install it. The night clip where the skunks are, was completely dark. Pretty much all stock settings at this point running cam at 15fps @ 4096