^^^ Spot on, IMO.successiveI agree with most of the above. I think the guy pulling the trailer was moving over as a courtesy for the vehicles on the side of the road.
It sure looks to me like the truck just didn't want to let the trailer in. In the first picture, it looks like the trailer has enough room to fit in front of the truck. The second picture is about a second later as you can see the truck has closed in the gap. The truck is also really far to the left of the lane, riding or crossing over the yellow line.
The truck is traveling fast than the trailer. In successive frames, you can see the side mirror hit the back of the trailer.
Interestingly, it isn't until about 9 seconds into the video that the truck's brake lights come on.
I didn't look for any articles to see about the people in the vehicles on the side of the road but this is the first frame I found that showed one of them, likely the service truck driver based on the attire. He shows up in front of the service truck rather than by a door as if he had just gotten out. A couple of frames before this one shows the truck still moving a touch. So if he was in the service truck, he jumped out the driver side door and ran in front of the service truck before the service truck has stopped.
It's been the law here for 4 years now and it's pretty verbose ==>> Alabama Move Over ActThere are actually laws about moving over if a vehicle is in the breakdown lane. Some states only provide for that if it is an emergency vehicle and some say their lights have to be flashing. Some states say even for tow trucks or other maintenance vehicles. Or you have to slow down to 20mph below the posted limit.
Esp when you Got Donny Dipshit just off a 12 hour shift at the Widget Factory
I like when The motherfuckers " Move over AND Slow down....Muther fucker!!!!!
What about someone that insists on pulling out in front of you, creeps along, you have to almost come to a stop, then after traveling all of 100 feet, they make their turn.....they couldn't wait 2 whole seconds...and this is with no one behind you! ARGHHH!One of my pet peeves!
Exactly.I like when The motherfuckers " Move over AND Slow down....Muther fucker!!!!!
I live very near this and happened to be listening to a scanner application that day. The trailer was carrying at least one motorcycle, and for a period of time, there was a concern of a motorcyclist being injured until it was learned it was just being trailered. I think one of the pickup drivers ended up with a head injury, but for the most part any serious injuries were avoided.
TonyR is correct that the vehicle on the shoulder is the Iowa DOT Highway Helper.
This stretch of road between Cedar Rapids and North Liberty (about a mile north of the bridge over the Iowa River) has a lot of accidents, for no apparent reason except for dumb people who won't slow down. It used to be an area where a lot of deer crossed the interstate.
This accident happened in the southbound lanes. The cables between the northbound and southbound lanes are great at preventing crossover incidents, but they really tear up cars in even minor accidents.
What about the DOT Helper. It looked like he may have been in front of his truck and took a ride on his hood. Was there anyone in the car?